Which title is better?

I'm working on writing a new fanfic about acrobatics since that topic always mesmerized me so much. The story is an alternate universe story about a girl who is an acrobat working at a circus, and there are two titles that I have in my mind that I really like.

Elsewhere Away
Walk on Tiptoe

Here's the meaning behind the two titles:
Elsewhere Away- At the circus in my story, 'elsewhere away' is sort of the way they say 'break a leg' and wish for success for the show. They're basically saying to take yourself away from the show and focus on that one delicate moment where you're performing. Of course, there's a deeper meaning behind this that will be shown later in the story, and it ties to a lot of elements.
Walk on Tiptoe- This is from the Greek word for acrobatics, which, when translated directly into English, means 'walk on tiptoe'; hence, that is what I took for my title. The meaning behind this is a lot simpler than Elsewhere Away, but I really like the ring of it and think that it's a bit more catchy. I have to admit that I like Walk on Tiptoe a lot more for a title, but I can't let go of the other title either.

Which one do you like better? If you have anymore title suggestions, I'm okay with those too!
Thank you in advance!
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