opinions wanted!

For those of you who are studying in the medical field or are in the medical field respectively.. (either or), you would know how important a piece of paper can be, especially if that paper is evidence of patient consent and even more so if there is a witness to prove that patient did really give their consent.

so technically, if the patient gives consent to a certain procedure then you're not in the wrong right? unless the medical procedure was done with non-consent. then lawfully, your license would be revoked no matter how skilful or well-known you are. right right? am i right?

but here comes the question.

what if the patient PLUS (or no plus) their relative, gives you consent to conduct a procedure that would question your ethics as a doctor or a nurse?

something like putting an end to their lives? especially for those with terminal / chronic illness.

so would you be right because you're ending their suffering just because they consented to it and you feel that that's what every terminally ill patient should do or would you then be wrong because what you're doing would be against the law where you can be charged with murder?

would you be right or wrong?

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