Fanfic prompt?

Smirk, push, poke and laugh. I get it that you don't like me but seriously stop it it's freaking irritating ugh

Also known as

I have synesthesia and when you say my name it tastes like my favorite strawberry mint ice cream so I keep bothering you over and over

Please feel free to use the prompt if you like, but please notify me so I can read your great stories ^^
Meha7a 6 years ago
@queen07 Synesthesia is a condition in which one sense (for example, hearing) is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses such as sight. In other forms synesthesia joins objects such as colors , people's names and shapes with other sensory preceptions such as flavors or smells.

In simple words, it's like your brain associates the word mirror with meatballs, so every time you hear the word you taste meatballs.

Or like your brain associates the number 4 with the color red, so 4 is always red to you !

I hope that makes a bit of sense . I'm not that great at explaining it
[deactivated] 6 years ago
What's synesthesia?