The title pretty much says everything, but I will develop it further!

Alright, I didn't want to make a roleplay solely based on city or university therefore, I decided to make both things. However, there will be a twist.

In this university (made to the richest people that recently has been welcoming people from low and middle classes), at night there are parties in which everyone has to wear masks and are free to do whatever they want to, without impediments of being students, teachers or poor/rich (since it's a friendly roleplay, that will be welcomed as part of plots.)

However, the rule is simple. You can't take off the mask unless you are alone or with someone else you trust. As for the city part, is the city around the college, where people have normal lives and occasionally go to the parties at the university too.

This is the main idea and I'm looking for 2 or 3 admins to build up this place with me. I haven't decided the platform yet, but it will be facebook or mewe. Help would be awesome!

Thank you!
6 years ago
@longnightsrp i haven't used mewe yet. and facebook's kind of a bother with its log-in check up thing. i ain't about that renewing my account life, so i'll probably go with mewe? aaaand. what about having a bit of a plotline for the rp? they why's and how's??? but of course it's entirely up to you!

and i guess i can admin as well? although there will be days i would be kind of absent...... real life things. otl.
6 years ago
@xoanneox I would gladly have you as an admin or as a member, whatever you deem to have more time right now!

Just let me know and tell me which platform you would prefer and anything would would like to add, etc.
6 years ago
@mayfair That's good to know! Which platform do you prefer? Would you like to add anything to the idea?

Let me know if you would to admin with me!
6 years ago
sounds interesting... I'm not sure if I'll have enough time for being an admin but it sounds so nice that im in the mood to join as a roleplayer myself