
I know this is kind of a sensitive topic to many, but I think it's time to address it on AFF.

I sometimes have to ask myself why fanwars exist, and I come up with one answer every time: we love our idols too much. I know, it's such a simple answer, but I truly do believe it's the right one. Think about it, why do we always defend our idols from antis? It's because we love them so much, and we don't want anyone to hurt the people we love so much.

Okay, so people will defend their idols, so what? Well, there have been too many cases where people take "defending" to an entirely different level where it can't even be considered defending anymore. I've seen people bash INNOCENT idols just to make their faves look better. And let me tell you that bashing another idol isn't even defending anymore, it's just plain bullying. So my main question is why the hell would people bully someone who's innocent and someone who they've never met? It's mind-boggling to me that people like this exist, but this is the world we live in now. People like this are bound to exist.

How can we solve this problem? Well, let me tell you the ugly truth, we can't. There will always be horrible people out there who will continue to bring down idols, thinking they've done their job by protecting their idols. It doesn't work that way, and many people just don't get it. You don't ing bully someone to defend another person (does that make any sense?). There are always going to be immature people out there no matter what, and all I can really say is to try not to let those people get to you. It's actually harder said than done. I KNOW how hard it is because I've been in situations where I see an ugly comment and my anger got the best of me. But when I look back during those times, I remember how badly I just wanted to defend my idols. Luckily, I am now able to control my temper and anger a lot better, but there are still people out there we can't yet.

I really don't know where this discussion is going, but I hope someone reads this and comments their opinion.

In my opinion, fanwars are absolutely ridiculous. They're a waste of time, and in 50 years, would you really want to remember fighting with someone over social media? How ridiculous does that sound? Would you really want to waste your time, stressing yourself out because of an immature comment when you could've just ignored the comment and moved on?

We all have to remember that our idols are growing older just like us, and sooner or later, they'll be gone (face it, it's the truth). They won't be here with us forever, so why can't we all just appreciate the time we have with our idols? We do have to waste our time when we can enjoy every moment we share with the idols? They work so hard to make music for their fans, so do you think they would appreciate it if their fans are bullying other idols? No. I don't think so.

In addition, I want to add in the fact that we're living in a century where people are really sensitive (no, that's not their problem). Anything you say will trigger them, but there will be many people like this, as you may know, if you have a social media account. We have to consider the fact that whatever we say will hurt them, and they, in return, may start to defend/bash idols.

This discussion is getting quite long, but I'll end it soon.

I mainly made this discussion to get people to open their eyes and realize that fanwars are just ridiculous. You're helping no one if you get involved. You'll only be stressing yourself out, and there will always be antis out there who will bash innocent idols. No matter how much we try to get rid of these antis, it's impossible. This hurts me just as much as it hurts you. I just wish there's something I can do, but all people are different, and we all have a different mindset.

I won't say which fandom I'm in because I'm speaking on behalf of all the fandoms. I understand how heartbreaking it is to know that we can't do anything about it, but all we really can do is continue to love, support, and cherish the time we have with our favorite idols.
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