Real life love stories ♥

Tell me the cutest or the most romantic love story that has happened to you! I got so many stories, but I'll tell you guys about my crush and I.

Our relationship is nothing but physical, since he's an exchange student and he will soon go back so he doesn't want to start a love affair. Difficult but I really get him, he came here to study, not to mingle. We meet around every 6th week because we're both having a full schedule, lots of homework and distance. But when we are together, it's magical. Or at least very nice.I saw him in school and immediately fell in love to him. It took me two goddamn months to go and talk to him because I'm very shy and I find it difficult to talk to people. Well, of course I couldn't say a word so I gave him a note that contained my phone number. I was emotionally all messed up the whole day, until HE TEXTED ME. We decided to meet the next day. At first it was very awkward but soon it got nicer and nicer, I wasn't shy at all and like I usually fear people, but with him I always feel so free. And long story short, when I was about to leave he kissed me and I called him weird and gave him a hug the awkward me was back :'DDD Later I explained him that it was my first kiss and he understood me so now we're good. He says he doesn't like me but I kinda feel he actually does but doesn't want to break my heart like I already said, he'll leave soon. Some of my friends say that he uses me but it's not like that at all, we're friends with special benefits (contains kissing, hugging, holding hands in his room, watching movies and talking about grammar, history and food). Nowadays I love him less as I used to love in a romantic way but more as a human being.

And now it's your turn, doesn't have to be cute. Or romantic that much either. Just something nice.
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