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Comments (74)

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hahaha! i laughed at choice letter D :P<br />
but i don't care less as long as there's mobile version! :)<br />
goodluck! :D
honeybee #2
I like the new version if I open this site on pc but I totally HATE the new version if I open it in my phone. It's too slow and heck, uncomfortable -.-
eternalove #3
@smilife: I don't.. :D
pubiGD #4
Im 100% possitive i LIKE THE OLD version
yeh! Fast Mobile version jebal. Gomawo.
I always use mobile. Make mobile version please~ my mobile so lagg when i open this aff.. Kamsahamnida~
Mobile version YES PLEASE.<br />
My phone is such an that this site doesn't even work in the web form on it.
yes yes yes mobile version!! I always check up AFF with my phone.. =)) Make one pleaseeeee..
Smilife #9
Is anyone else experiencing problems with this new layout...?
eternalove #10
a faster mobile version is preferable..but put in some pictures to make it more attractive and less boring..
jejemin #11
YES! FAST Mobile version would be so helpful and convenient :)<br />
Whenever I open up AFF on my mobile, the text becomes 34861279 times larger and it takes ages to read just one chapter D:
blazey18 #12
yeah i always open my aff in my cellphone!!this really sounds good..thanks for making this idea and i cant wait for this^^
onthemoon #13
This would help a lot! <3
Omg! I always use my phone to read while I'm at school! :D<br />
That would help a lot! <3 <br />
<br />
Thanks for taking your time, really!<br />
Much appreciated.<br />
Hope you can make one that I can actually edit the story on my blackberry since I'm already reading on my blackberry and trying to find ways to update my stories since my laptop's out....<br />
And blackberry owners I'd be easier if you use column view when you want to read a story! ^^
I LOL'ed so much at D) :P<br />
anyways Nichimon you should do what you wanna do<br />
after all it is YOUR site<br />
fast mobile version please! :3<br />
i'm using blackberry and it's kinda hard to scroll because the site is so big<br />
and i like the new layout~ good job, guys! thank you so much!
a moblie version would be fine. hehe, but on my phone it already is fine xD<br />
what i think would be nice is having an APP for the Itouch/phone and for android phones :)
smtownism #20
YES, FAST mobile version! The full site takes awhile to load, and i have to wait longer for everything to appear
Very good idea! I can't really read any text on my phone whenever i try to open a chapter. And i find it errrrhh! The old one is not that bad though... But a stripped down version would be better.Please make it fast so that I can continue reading on my phone. I'm using the PC right now. BTW, Good job you guys for the new layout! I like the graphics as well. Too bad, I can't see the beauty of it on my phone. :(
babygirladdy #22
Mobile version would be great especially if the new layout stays... I'm honestly not very fond of the new layout and it's awful on my phone. I use the Android software so the site loads but it loads a little slowly and I have to scroll down a few times to get off the main nav. menu now... stripped down version would be awesome ^.^
b2uty_for_b2st #23
I like the new one. More faster <3
please~~~<br />
make the mobile version,<br />
cause i more use mobile than pc,,<br />
and it's torture me,,<br />
chillaay #25
I like this idea a lot :D<br />
I read a lot of the stories using my iPod and having no mobile version makes it not as easy too ><"<br />
to make it simpler but not ugly you can keep the green you added today within the layout! Also it'd be really convenient to have a sign in page right at the top or on the homepage, it's a drag for me to load the login page D:
Keyysha #26
The old version works well on my phone but the new one takes more time. So either a or b work. What you need is an app for android^^
When I update then I go to my laptop but when I head out and is in the train I read fics and if it takes time to load then resize then search then load.. I can't even read one.. Sooo.. Keke
firelordzuko #28
I got on here on my iPhone today and I was just like WOAH THERE'S A MOBILE VERSION!!11!!11!!1!! So what you have right now is pretty good.
I use a phone!!its so big ahah!! And the oading is weird.. Slower then before and its huge!! Hahah I'm using blackberry so my screen is efing small..
xOxlalala #30
I don't see why some people are against it since it's beneficial for everybody. And if you don't get on the mobile version, then you don't get on. No need to vote it down when there are some people who like to read fanfics on their phone and iTouch...like me. ^^
SHINeeSnsd #31
I love the new site layout, but it is a pain on my phone! I am mostly on there rather than the computer, so a mobile version would be AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!
taekitty #33
I'm always struggling to load this site on my phone. It'd be great if there was a mobile version.<br />
what a coincidence. just today i was talking about how i REALLY NEED mobile version of this site since, when it upgraded, it's harder to use on my phone. yay mobile version~ :D
I kinda prefer using the full site on my mobile. o___o
I use the mobile version at my school whenever I'm at school so please please please fix it!! Thank you!!
patchiee #37
please do something about the mobile version cause i read fanfics everywhere anywhere plus i'm lazy to stare at the pc for too long ==' so i dont care hahahaa..
pinkstone18 #38
im always on this site using my itouch!<br />
it will be nice if it would load faster
OHHHH The temptation of choosing that last option
tofuonew #40
I can't wait! =) I always use my blackberry to read fanfics even though it hurts my eyes. I'm totally okay with it being ugly, just fast is good =D