Comments: Blood Sister

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Chapter 66: I have no words to describe how much I love both stories! I cried, I literally bawled when Luhan died. And crying bc of a story never ever happens to me! This was one heck of an emotional rollercoaster! Thank you for this story, Korey. <3 <3 <3 Also, I love Jaera?!?!?! #wcw for life
Chapter 35: I've officially adopted RaRa as my spirit animal. Also any news on Rogue? Did they get the person plagiarizing?? I hope that ends well so the story is able to continue. Good luck!! You got this.
nurulz #3
Chapter 66: I’m very tender and raw right now I can’t even.
Chapter 33: This is currently keeping me sane. I've been waiting in the pharmacy for antibiotics for over an hour now. There's some kind of new year issue with our insurance. Anyway really glad I have this to read, so thank you.
I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen to him, though it still gave me the feels. :( To be honest, I liked this story more than TBBC, probably, because of Jaera and Jaehwan. (I think they're smarter than me, lol.) And I freaking love Jongin's character. It's weird; I can imagine him doing all of his weird antics, but, then again, I don't think he'll be able to pick up a gun or be able to identify drugs.

Thank you for writing! I enjoyed reading it so much that I've lost sleep. (Maybe that's not a good thing, but oh well.) Wishing you good luck for the rest of your works. :)
Chapter 63: I never cried so hard in my life for a fanfic. Honestly, after Jonghyun, hearing about Luhan just made me really, really sore again. Man. The fic was ended lovely. Thank you Korey. It is literally a pleasure to read your fics and it was a pleasure to be strung along in The Blood Trilogy. ONTO BLOOD BOUND NOW!
Chapter 20: I just wanted to say thank you for helping me stay focused on something. Everything with Jonghyun really hit me hard. SHINee helped me through a dark time of my life and this whole situation has been hard to handle.
Chapter 50: I'm literally so soft. I love the Weiyi-Sehun bond going on here. I love me some crazy Jongin though. Crazy and very confident Jongin is the best Jongin out there, with some occasional funny looks from D.o. This Is the best. Love me some fluff.
Chapter 14: I just have to say I'm excited to read more about Jeju because my boyfriend is from there. Ironically enough when we first met, he didn't speak English and I didn't speak Korean, but we both spoke Chinese. So I'm laughing a lot with the language barriers. Ah he also told me there are a lottttt of Chinese tourists in Jeju because it's like the Hawaii of Korea, and much cheaper than coming to the states.
Chapter 10: I love your rants so don't apologize. Plus I agree that it's your right to write the story how you want. It's your story. If someone wants something a certain way then they should write their own story.
I'm about to start this journey. Ecstatic is a bit of an understatement. I wanted to wait until school was over so I'd be able to really focus on this and not worry about homework.
Chapter 63: Just finished this today and I just wanted to say that this is one of the best fics I've read on this site. The characters were basically perfect, everything was wrapped up nicely in the end, and your writing style is very well written and professional sounding. :D
Taemin22 #13
Chapter 63: This is the I don't know how many times I've read this, I still cry at the end T_T
lostandwandering #14
Chapter 63: read this too many times tbh but oh gosh i love you and i love luhan so much in this fic sjdhsn
Chapter 63: haha i'm crying after rereading this and i have to go out in about an hour thanks a lot korey
fgtalks #16
Chapter 66: This is too beautiful ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Thank you, Korey for your works! They're amazing!
fgtalks #17
Chapter 63: I'm crying. I thought i was prepared enough. But i can't handle myself not tl cry. Omg. This story grows in me. Like i felt the stress when the story tensed. I felt happy too for the happy moments. And I'm crying now although i already predicted that. I know it's coming, but i still feel so sad. Omg. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
dyomochi #18
Chapter 66: a fan of your writings right here! ❤