Comments: Twist Of Fate

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Chapter 65: Patiently waiting for an update ☺
NoraMyFics #2
Chapter 65: finally read this!! miss this! thanks for the update!!
Lalaywa #3
Chapter 65: I am so happy to have you back. God I missed this story so much. I still can not believe that she still does not realize that she loves him and that he has the same feelings for her!! so frustrating!!!!
Yeonsu #4
Chapter 65: Thank you for the update! I was really looking forward to this <3 really made my day T_T~
Kena21 #5
Chapter 62: Always loving the story
Chapter 65: I love this story, awaiting it patiently and its progressing well.Thank you for your update.
chuppoppo #7
Chapter 65: Awwww yongguk! You're so strong! Hang in there! Pls no more smoking baby :(((
KiJoon woke up yeayyyy
The last part tho omg omg too cute for my heart
Focus on your exams! All the best! Take your time! Fighting! We love you! I LOVE YOU!!!!
Chapter 65: Hello there! :) I am glad that Ki Joon is safe. Thankfully, he will be discharge after a night in the hospital. I really like the sweet moments of Sera and Yongguk. The hospital doesn’t seem scary when they are together. Thanks for updating. This chapter is quite lengthy. I am looking forward in your update always!!!
Chapter 65: Hey...thank you for the updates.. please take hiatus for awhile to focus on your exam and work.. good luck..♡♡
Chaoticstar2 #10
Chapter 64: Omg! I wasn’t expecting this to happen, BUT def it’s playing a huge role in their relationship.
Chapter 65: i really hate tear right now because my tears????????????? won't stop failing. this is amazing
Chapter 65: I read it after midnight while I couldn't even open my eyes. But it was all I needed. when Kijoon woke up I couldn't hold back my tears especially when he said he missed Sera.
Yongguk man you're such a strong guy, he kept it together and took care of his family but I'm still thankful his friends were by his side to give him strength.
OK, I can't just go without mentioning how Yongguk purposely went to the restaurant just to show the worker that Sera has a man and a son. I damn know he did it for that purpose . Jealousy.
Chapter 65: Hahaha.. Its to cute.. Kwon and bang are so funny.. Just get married plz.. Opps.. Ha a... And make baby sis abd bro for ki joon
Chapter 65: FINALLY!! i feel like i'm going to write a long essay about this chapter xD huhu first of all, it's refreshing to see a bit of yongguk's pov once in a while, and you did a great job at it! we can see his vulnerable side, at the same time also see how he was trying to be strong for sera and kijoon. thank God his friends was there, it must be hard for him too. and thank God kijoon seems doing fine now, the kid is strong and calm as hell, most kids i know wouldn't stop crying when they're in this state.
on the brighter side, i always love to see yongguk and sera together like this, them being there for each other in every situations, and the way she takes strength or comfort from him. huhu i hope they know that they're literally each other's support system from the beginning. and hey.. jealous yongguk, i see you! hihi
btw are yongguk/sera's family going to visit them too??? i'm curious now. huhu thankyou so much for updating despite being busy, as usual, fighting!! ❤️ sorry for my long comment(s) hehe ><
Chapter 65: This chapter made my day. I'm relieved after knowing how Ki Joon is. I love how Bang remained strong for Kwon and their kid. I can't wait for Ki Joon's discharge and all.
TheSecretFromTheStar #16
Chapter 65: I needed this chapter like air. You made my day more beautiful. Good luck on your exam! The story line it's wonderful like always. I love when Bang gets jealous ?
Nevrane #17
Chapter 65: Yes, that was sucha sweet chapter! I love how close and comfortable they got with each other.
layjongyang #18
Chapter 65: I love the progress between the two and the fact that Ki Joon is awake is awesome.