Comments: House of 20's

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Chapter 10: I really like every stories you make. I can't wait for the next chapter just looking at the teaser >_<
Chapter 10: This is heart-breaking. But they gotta move on right?
Chapter 10: ttt Jiyoung, you were a jerk, literally! you could avoid her!!!! >.< thank you for stirr up my emotion authornim, thank youuuuuuu
Jennifer546 #4
Chapter 10: I cried ! I cried for 10 minutes. Trust me when I say I don't cry easily. These chapters were that good. I applaud you author. Such a brilliant work. Please keep updating such awesome chapters. We will be waiting patiently.
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 10: He doesn't love Kiko, and should tell her. Reading your account, it all could have been avoided by not hanging out with the crowd in Japan. I would have given up a new group of friends if my longtime boyfriend asked me to for the sake of our relationship. He was irresponsible...should have left the social gatherings when it got sketchy.

See what you do? Just like Jiyong, you come back here and stir up those emotions again!!
Thekatsmeow #6
Chapter 9: You have a gift of putting us right into the heads of all concerned!! It's fascinating and disturbing how the world sees what it wants to see. As for Ji and Tae, it is a high wire balancing act....
Chapter 10: oh yeah~~ another update! i dont know who should be blamed in this situation..i'll just for another updates and learns more about them~
thanks for the update authornim!!
Why is the subscriber count decreasing?! This story is so good!
soshilover09 #9
Chapter 10: You don't always update your fanfic, but when you do it is an explosion. It's a mixture of mix emotions and you never fails to make me cry on every chapter. You can easily convey the feelings of each character. Good Job authornim! Thank you for an udate. Hwaiting!
This chapter is DAEBAK!
Missyouwannabe #10
Chapter 10: OK that is messed up but.....she did break it off with him sooooooo
Chapter 10: Omg GD you are so messed up for that ;-;
FewyKTY #12
Wow, if Tae and Gd get together then I would feel bad for Baekhyun (unless he did something bad), because he's basically been waiting for so long. I think by now, everyone involved (including herself) knows that she truly loves Gd, not Baekhyun. I feel like Baekhyun was kind of something she got into to convince herself that there was a life past Gd, and that perhaps other people's love could equate to Gd's love. Basically, to make herself feel better and to move on.
As for Kiko, I feel bad for her too, because she seems to love Gd. Also, at the time they almost had , Taeyeon was technically not with Gd anymore, and had rejected him countless times, so I don't blame her if she thought that Gd was actually available.
On the other hand, Gd seems kinda douchy but in a human way. I bet he was pretty heartbroken from being rejected for a year by Taeyeon, and probably thought he had no chance with her, so he used Kiko as a rebound (which is a douchy thing to do but very human).
Taeyeon should have expressed herself more, been more secure about their relationship, but please, if you bring Taeyeon as your plus-one, don't ditch her to go talk with Kiko!
purplesakura #13
Chapter 10: Completely thrilled that there was an update! I was literally checking every day to see if you updated! And to up 2 chapters - what a treat!! Thank you and looking forward to the next few chapters!!
Angel26 #14
Chapter 10: Legit crying wow huuuuu I can't take this heartbreak. Waiting for your next update!!!
crookedgemini #15
Chapter 10: oh gosh i dont know whats going to happen now! But still waiting for those two to get back together! cant wait until your next amazing update! :)
Chapter 10: "just think of happy memories"
then suddenly patronus charm comes to my mind....
really..this is such horrible experiences to taeng unnie. Oh can he.....after all of effort he made to beg taeng's forgiveness. That's just useless in the end..
Chapter 10: i always wait for ur update ^^ thanks.. ur jjang!!!
Chapter 10: Jiyong, how can you be like that istg if I were Taeyeon, I would never forgive you.
Chapter 10: The thing he did was horrible and stupid. He was the most stupid goshh how could he hurt taeyeon like that. I'm so mad. He cause a terrible distress to her. He even stayed with kiko when he knows that girl broke them apart that only proved how wrong and stupid he was. goshhh this is so angsty and jiyong is darn stupid lol