Comments: VIXX 300 Theme Challenge

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Chapter 60: YES! DEFINITELY YES! I'd love to see the miny-plots fleshed out into their own stories :D

And aww, this chappie was just plain cute :D A nice change from the depression of yesterday's update >.< Hehe, Hyukkie's warming up to our Ken doll, but what will happen when his pack finds out? D:
Chapter 59: Omg I thought Hyuk really died in this chap ;~; It was just some hallucination to test Leo?
Chapter 59: AUTHOR-NIM.... *Holds up pitchfork* THIS IS NOT THE REALITY I WANTED! D:<

Hehe, don't worry, I won't kill you *cough*yet*cough* 'cause we need you to know how this ends. But poor Leo! How could you do this to him >.< At least Hyukkie isn't actually dead. I was seriously convinced you'd killed him off at first D':
Chapter 58: D'aww, Leo XD This was totally cute, totally sweet, and totally adorable, Author-nim ^^ Made me smile after spending all day stressing out, so thank you <3
Chapter 58: Awww~ So cute! /cuddle cuddle/
Chapter 58: THIS IS LOVELY ♥♥
Chapter 57: 56 : I WANT LEO COMEBACK SAFELY ;AAA; and i want to see the baby :3 and please my heart is not ready for sudden angst ;a;

57 : HYUK ;A; and ken's stubborness was just like himself in rl xD and why the hell i imagine him saying "not you, not your body, nothing" with a pout and kenjumma voice OTL
Chapter 57: It's awesome, author-nim! But urm I still don't understand the red vs blue stuff. Can you explain to me?
Chapter 57: This AU confuses me... Cute Hyuken, but it's confusing.
Chapter 57: Hehe, it turned out really well! ^^ Despite Hyuk's programmed inability to return Ken's feelings, it seems he does like our little soldier quite a bit <3 I squeed at the last few lines so hard! ("Please don't make me fail to protect you" <3 <3 <3 <3)
Chapter 56: Ahhhh nooooo you can't end it there author-nim! D: Aw, but I really liked the little Leobin bromance moment :D Honbinnie's too sweet.

And I'm seriously worried about Hyuk. He shouldn't still be weak from that D: I hope he's okay! (Of course, I know he's probably not 'cause you're an evil author like that X3x) (But I still love you <3)
Chapter 55: Agh, that's too adorable! x3x Ravi's such a sweetie pie, waiting for his Hyukkie <3 I do like this AU quite a bit, the RaHyuk interaction is really cute :)
StrippedBanana #13
Chapter 54: I know it's greedy but I want more of this wolf au with Hyukken to continue +___+)/) come on hyukkie, you can't resist Ken... and lel the setting is too calm, I'm worried there'll be trouble somewhere which can be good or bad in a story. I hope the best for your idea on this 8D yey //sorry I only read the hyukken :3
Chapter 54: awww hyuk xD
the funniest thing here was yongguk telling hyuk not to frown and hyuk being sassy about the tower xD
Chapter 54: Haha, love the "kicked puppy look" line XD Poor Hyuk having to put up with Ken :P (JK, they're adorable!)

Hyukkie, you know you love Ken, just stop trying to deny it! XD
Chapter 53: AHHHHHH RVB RVB RVB :D I love this show so much, and I practically had a mental breakdown the first time you used it for a prompt! And now there's a part two!!!! But poor Ken, Hyuk will never be able to love him back :'(
Chapter 53: i don't really understand, sorry..
but when i read it i was like "it's like a clasic war movie.. my brother must be like this..*nods*"

and then i remember......... he doesn't like korean things............. ;__;
Chapter 52: i wanna die xD
this part... is oh my God xD
i'm speechless xD
Chapter 51: oh. mY. GOD!!!!!!
my cutie, sweety, hyuk ;-;
I ship Luck soooo much and there just aren't enough Luck stories out there.
Thank you for writing these~!