Comments: Married To My Boss

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misinam #1
Chapter 43: it's was beautifully written...totally love the story...everything was just too pleasant..and totally worth my UPVOTE!!!
Elfandari #2
Chapter 47: The great story I read, I just finish right now...I Will check your another story then. I'm enjoy your story authornim. Thankyou
Sykrh_ #3
Chapter 40: Beautiful piece of art<3
Chapter 47: I want to read it but i cant copy and paste the link
incanto #5
Chapter 43: Why did I miss this story all this while?? It is so good and I can feel all the growing love a man has for his wife. A beautiful love story indeed:)
Chapter 12: Author-nim...I don't mean to be rude..but in the first chapter you said the former chairman had a weak heart not liver. It makes more sense if he had a weak liver and got a new one from Haru's grandfather ^^ Just wanted to let you know~
Hermin #7
Chapter 47: Nice chap
sunhee99 #8
Chapter 47: Hi i just recently subscribed n i took more or less about an hour and a half to complete this story and i must say it has been an emotional rollercoaster ride because there were moments where i teared up and times where i laughed and others where i 'aww'-ed. I must say i truly love this story and that there are definitely great morals that could be gained such as the mother-daughter relationship that was portrayed. My condolences to you on your loss halfway through the story. I fell in love with your style of writing and it definitely is an amazing work of art. Good luck on your future writing and i wish you all the best in life as well. By the way,i am unsure if its appropriate to include this but i am also a hijabi myself so pleased to meet you :) or uhh chat with you???? i hope we can be friends ^^||
kimsana98 #9
Chapter 47: Can't open the link.. I was so excited
Chapter 47: Sobbbbbb, link can't open.
Alin2312 #11
Chapter 47: Theres something wrong with the linkkk
mutcaw #12
Chapter 31: Oh my God! So fluffy
mutcaw #13
Chapter 11: This is just great ff!
Hermin #14
Chapter 43: Wow this
AnnieNakishaa #15
Chapter 41: I cant believe i just found this story like wow! I like how u potray kris in this story, starting as stoic to gentle and loving father. I know this story was like 2 years ago but yeah, still awesome. Thanks for the good story ✌ peace from Malaysia
luvitmea #16
Chapter 39: Can't believe i am reading this story for the -ehh i lost the count- time. :D
CSHaelyn #17
thank you dearest author for this story.. I enjoyed reading it alot...
desyprameswari #18
I like this.story
kiarrahmah #19
Chapter 46: I like this story. It flows beautifully. The characters development are great. It's nice seeing Kris becoming a great boss, lover, husband, and also and amazing father. I'd like to read another story about Lauren and Eric Nam if you may hahaha. Cheers ^^
PrincessSivi #20
I've been waiting to read this fic for so long, and today I had it in one go. I really like your writing, it's flowing, descriptions are great, absolutely amazing. Thank you for this fic.