Comments: SCANDAL

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Chapter 36: i really thought that they lost jiwon. this is seriously an awesome story
Chapter 36: Oh damn- I thought the previous chapter was the last. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Turns out they didn't lose Jiwon ( Thank God! ) and even had an addition to the family. Thanks for that! XOXO
Chapter 35: So, I read this for the second time from 9 PM until 2:19 AM. I'm so glad that I did, because I remember so well, when I first finished this story, I was so sad thinking that Taeyeon was possibly just an illusion for him. After reading the last chapter again, I feel a lot better. Despite the sadness of losing Baby Jiwon, at least, the happy ending is there. This is the first time ( I think? I'm quite sure I left a comment before. haha ) I am leaving a comment, and I just want to thank you for making this awesome story. I remember following this diligently when you were still in the process of writing this piece of awesomeness. Haha. All the best of luck to you and your future stories!
carls21 #4
Chapter 36: So much feels for GD and Taeyeon o(╥﹏╥)o
Chapter 36: This is actually my second time reading this story :3 I feel so horrible for not leaving any comments. (T.T) I'm so sorry,author-nim *bows down* Took me 2 days to finish this story. Funny because it took almost a week the first time I read this. This should be a drama. I was looking though the stories that I subscribed then I found this story.. Again. I cried a lot ㅋㅋㅋ ^^ Just wanted to thank you for writing this beautiful story. I think this story is the best story I've ever read. I love how you can develop the characters' feelings slowly,swiftly,painfully,yet beautifully. Once again,I want to thank you sincerely for writing this ^^ I know how much you've sacrificed for writing this story. Thank you sooo much *blows kisses*
P.s. Sorry for being and sounding so cheesy :3
rereading this for the umpteenthhh time~ gosh! i missed gtae so much T.T
and there's very high tendency that i am going to reread all of ur gtae stories~
kirostz #7
Chapter 12: Waaaaa! This is awesome! I'm new and already emotional while read this. I can't stop reading this story! Ah, if I found this story earlier... Keep writing author-nim! Looking forward for your new story! :}
Tsuntsuncat #8
Chapter 12: Woah this is sooo awesome. I just started and even signed up just because of this. I can't stop reading, this is soo good !
jieunmylife #9
Chapter 36: Hello authornim..first of all i dun know why i start to read this story coz m not fan of snsd n bigbang ..
but i dun know the story prologue just pull towards it that i cant back up.. it take me seriously 3nights to finish coz of my work..i hav read more than 100 FF's but i never felt such pain,happiness,guilty n love ( such a emotion rollercoaster story)..i felt like its happening in reality. now i ship gtae soo much actually u make me fall for them authornim although i know baekyeon n jiko r real..
aah authornim sorry for long speech.. but why r u such a gud writer...n thankyou very much for giving us such a gud story..i learnt many things frm this story..i cried alot..n bst story u n bless u authornim <3
Chapter 36: Hi authornim... first time greeting, sorry. I already read 3 of ur story and honestly i don't fan of them, i'm not shipping G-Tae. I just randomly reading fanfic and here i found ur writing so interesting, its seem real and i love it when you make a story based on their real activity.

I love reading, and i can'g believe i even don't sleep just to finish ur story. And honestly.. again! I hate angs, but i'm trying to readinh cuz i'm enjoyed ur writing, ur plot and how playing with readers emotin, how your make this story like a real story.

Typical me, i'm reading but its like i watching, i'm theres looking everything what happen in this story. And like a said before i love reading, so when i like someone story i'll reading some of his/her story.

And yes like you i hate sad/tragic ending... and honestly i figure out some clue of your story.. its not like i'm arrogant but i know theres have something. I want to put my opinion in each chapter, but i'm sorry for not doing thats since this story is ended.

And honestly again... hahaha~ i hate sad story, not cuz i'll cryng but sometime i don't feel it, and not make me cry. Yes i reading this from 1-35 and i'm not cry.. buy feel it, their pain, their love, kindness, angry, sad, happy.. and finally i'm crying in ch.36 cuz is baby Jiwon... how can i'm not crying? For God sake she's just baby but she nead to bear the pain she feel.. but i know Jiwon will make it.. she brave and she has a lot love to support her.

Last... thank you for make wonderful story, you are a gifted writer and i'm sorry for my long comment and bad grammar
Chapter 36: I re-read the whole story while waiting for my flght to Georgia. This fic is so awesome. Beyond words... I wish snsd and bigbabg will interact soon.
Chapter 32: I don't know how many times i re-read this fic..Scandal just too good!!
I wish u'll be back again and writing another gtae's story
Chapter 37: okay so it's my nth hello to this fic and i can't remember if i've commented months ago c:
can i talk about how real this fanfic is? it blew me away. it strengthen my belief towards gtae. true, about the baekyeon thing and like you, i do know jiko is real. so, the netizens' responses towards this huge magnificent scandal, they way you include everything, i just love it so much. i can't believe it when people badly critique this precious story. honestly? the plot is a common one, yet i still think it's wether the author has the love for their characters all along. and i can feel the great love from you. i can feel you love writing this as much as we love to read this.
i never mind if you won't reply, i just want you to know there're still lots who are supporting you :D replies never matter, as long as you read and acknowledge this :)
ihearteuuuauthornim <3
kangsoowon #14
Good story! Make me corious of the next part :)
jasdeepsingh229 #15
Chapter 11: This is he awesomesr fanfic ever made!
Chwibi #16
really good story! enjoying it so far!
redlightape #17
hi.i just reading this awesome ff. you may would not read my comment. but let me share my thoughs about this ff. this is awesome. i spent my whole night to end reading this ff, i am not gtae shiper. but this is awesome. u am into gtae from now. oh my god
miftaargh #18
Chapter 36: this is my very first time to read a gtae fanfic and SCANDAL has made me emotionally bounded. i smiled, i laughed, and i cried over a fanfic. i must've been crazy. you're so good in delivering the plot, author-nim. though i read this just now, months after it's completed, i still cant help being starstruck at chapter 35. in the end of that chapter i said to myself, "is this author really going to leave the readers just like that?" :( those who'd been with you since the very first chapter must've been betrayed. hahaha. but as i go to the next chapter, i'm glad i can put my heart in peace.
"everyone hates tragic endings", this is so true. i'm happy that you hold on to this idea while finishing scandal. because just like jiyong and taeyon, i think we all deserve a happy ending, at least in this fiction world. so for giving this fic and the characters inside a happy ending, i sincerely thank you.
i still havent recovered from my mental breakdown after finishing this fic. every word, character, event, plot, they all feel so magical, i can even imagine it, picture it into a real life. i want to keep this as a beautiful memory that for once there really is a gtae couple who lives a happy life. it's not like i ship them or hate them either. it just feels nice to be happy for these characters.
sorry for the long comment. again, thank you, author-nim. you've done a very great job :)
diajengftr #19