Comments: Loving All Of You

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Chapter 25: She’ll get paranoid with everything, since she’s still feel that she’s not enough for all of them.
757 streak #2
I bet Zara rubbed all over Tao on purpose, just so something like that would happen. However, she doesn’t realize just how dedicated the others are to Kira. Too bad Minseok or Sehun didn’t sniff Tao, they would have recognized the scent. Now, Tao has some major groveling to do. Thanks for the double update, if this was a book I would not be able to put it down. Awesome job.
Chapter 24: Nope tao you dont deserve her love! How dare you being nice to kira after what you've said to her.
Baekie_18 #4
Chapter 24: I’m sorry but I really am canceling Tao on this story. He’s not worth my Kira at all not even a bit. Beside that I can’t wait for the brothers to kick Tao in the when they know that he had been seeing Zara in private. Also Zara should go to hell for what she did too. Anyways thanks you so much for updating and have a nice day authornim.
757 streak #5
Chapter 24: I wasn’t expecting this conversation so early on, especially with such raw emotions involved. Also, Tao had better mean what he said to Kira, otherwise he will have 11 very ticked off brothers beat the living heck out of him. I can’t wait for them to find out he’s been seeing Zara.

P.s. Yep, I’m a bloodthirsty wench.٩(^‿^)۶
gabiflores0862064 #6
Chapter 24: Finally! You know an author is good when they can make yoj hate a character. Zara qas getting on my last nerve
Chapter 24: Hope tao will understand that kaira loves him as others . But I'm disappointed in tao. You have to fix this. Thank you author for the update
Chapter 24: Haysss. I like Tao but not on this and the previous chapter... he’s unreasonable
Chapter 23: Wtf tao!! Even if you want an open relationship does it have to be with that b!tch??? Urghhh im so mad right now with what you said to them. She's your wife mannn
Chapter 23: Tao that’s to much. Have you even thought the pressure of having to spend intimate time with 12 persons? If was not into the idea of 1 is to 12. The. He should have said no.
layjongyang #11
Chapter 23: What to do with Tao! Being allowed to be in an open relationship doesn't mean he can insult Kira like that. I wish the rest of the boys can smack some sense into him. And that person will be turn to nothing if she keeps this up.
757 streak #12
Chapter 23: Ugh! Can I like beat the living daylights out of Tao? I know he is jealous, plus taken in by Zara, but that was no excuse to insult Kira. It’s not her fault that she was married off to them. Clearly, he was the only one to take her at face value when she told the younger ones they could have their freedom. What an idiot. Baby boy is going to feel so dumb, can’t wait.

Happy now? You got me all riled up. That shows how good you are at characterization.💕
Chapter 22: Kira’s mothers are also together? Like together
757 streak #14
Chapter 22: Multiple visits daily to the cafe? Something is really going to need to be done with that awful woman. I can’t wait for Minseok to see through her. In the meantime, I’m hoping she doesn’t get her hooks into an impressionable Kira, which I am scared will happen at some point. Thank you for the lovely update.(╹◡╹)
Chapter 22: Now im starting to hate anyone named zara! Why does she always came when minseok all alone in the cafe.

Luckily minseok still went to see kira. Now they just need to bring kira home and gives support for her to heal
Chapter 21: Noooo. I really dont like it when they cried especially our nini. I hope someone will know that zara was the one behind all of this.
Chapter 21: The pain is seeping through
757 streak #18
Chapter 21: I absolutely loved this chapter, and the scene with Kira and Jongin was priceless. Giving in to their grief was indeed cathartic. He seems to be the most sensitive one of the brothers, and Chanyeol is her rock.

Thanks for giving us this calm before the storm that is sure to come. I am glad that Kira has a protective unit in place with some of her husbands, even if certain brothers can be idiots.
layjongyang #19
Chapter 21: The boys are doing their best to help Kira recover. There better be no disruption from Zara. Or I'll make her Zero
Chapter 21: She lost her baby?! T__T