Comments: Find Me

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Chapter 2: uuuuu Kris has spoken! now everybody to mate! let's go people!!! no time to waste here!!! XDDDD
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cuteeee >///< bets way to start a chapter...kinda...what is wrong with Zina for christ sake?!
Chapter 9: ZiFan needs to calm down. Because ChanHyun might explode. I feel sad for JongSeok, because he has these visions. And there scary. And he doesn't know what to do about them.

Or we going to find out about what happened to their parents? Because you can't just leave it at. Gunshots, shouting , and whispering.
Chapter 9: I feel bad for Jongseok since he has this power; the nightmares. And also for Jongsoo, since Zifan yelled at him for being pregnant. I hope when the baby comes the tense air will at least go down a little
Chapter 8: Aha lol Yinho‘s reaction ><
Chapter 8: I don't know why but I love the characters and their love (except Zina's attitude towards Zifan). I love this story! Hope you get better!
Chapter 8: casper huh.....interesting new character...wonder what will happen next...fighting for next one!
Chapter 8: Too SHORT. Kyungmin is so sweet to YinHo. And Yinho being a great brother to Hui. He is right to worry. We don't know this Casper. Hey are you using Kasper from Cross Gene. Are you just using the name. Either way. I like it.
Chapter 8: The kids are so adorable. And make sure you rest fully so it doesn't get worst
loveu4ever #10
Chapter 7: Oh my god thats fast haha :-D
Chapter 7: Aww I hope it's k and yay they going to have grandchildren plz update again
Chapter 7: Ohmaigashh.... a grandchildren are coming up..... so sooooonnnn.......
Chapter 7: Ahhhhh! A pup might be on the way. Don't worry JongSoo. You will learn and that's all you can do. And who is this wolf? What about these hunters? Is Baekhyun's brother still with them. Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 7: Jongsoo is so scared. I would be to since they are so young to get pregnant
Chapter 7: Kyaaaaaa go on then do the test. Fighting for next chapter
Chapter 7: Wah!! I wonder who the new wolf is?!? and Jongsoo will be a great mommy :D