Comments: Do Me A Favor

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Littlegreenman #1
yuriloves-me #2
Chapter 44: Idk man, hannah and sehun didnt feel right:/
sisasha #3
Chapter 44: Did lu even kill that man back then at china? Because I just want to believe that he actually a good person
Chapter 44: hahaah it's really frustrate me that luhan is going through all of this when sehun only have is an accusation that lu is the one who spread his relationship to ms. lee back in china.... and how hanah let sehun explain but don't let luhan explain ....
yay! thanks for the update author-him and anticipating the next chapter heheeh:))
Lu.. i feel so upset right now. Urghhh Hanah!!! ATLEAST hear Luhan out before making any final decisions. Aish so frustating.
SRS375 #6
Chapter 44: Ahahaha I'm the only one who's enjoying this chapter.
Chapter 44: Luhan ftw.... Poor kiddo....
Chapter 44: I hate Oh Sehun so much T.T To me it seems like he 'likes' Hanah only because she is his first love. And I am disappointed at Hanah because I feel like she is too weak and always forgives Sehun so easily,but I guess she loves him too much. I feel so sorry for Luhan though...

Thank you for the update!!! :)
Chapter 44: I feel bad for Luhan. He may have lost his way in the past but he was clearly trying to be a better person now. Too bad he can't have a happy ending like Sehun did with his first love. I worry about Luhan. I feel like he deserves to find his happiness too. T^T
Chapter 44: Noooo!! What are you trying to do Lu? Pleaasseee don't do anything else that could harm anyone or yourself!
As much as I hate Sehun for using her, but I kinda understand their relationship more. Somehow for me its more believable if she went back to Sehun. Maybe not accepting his love or something, but at least tryong to get back to how they used to be. He's been her friend before, and also someone she dearly loved. Sure he did such stupid things, but sometimes its easier to forgive those who are dearest to you, family-like person, no matter how stupid that person was.
Aahhh i'm so waiting for the next chapters! Is this going to end soon? >.<
Chapter 44: There goes my team Luhan banner. ing hell man, honestly honestly hoooonesly who in their right minds would take back Sehun. I get it tho she's not in her right mind with all the trauma and stuff. It's just painful to watch unfold. isnt it innocent until proven guilty, Jesus. What ever happened to that. Thoroughly enjoy the story and always anticipate the next update thank you
Chapter 44: i feel bad for Luhan.. at least he love hanah that much.. meanwhile sehun use hannah to hurt luhan and it so unfair for me when hannah just listen sehun side story then choose to avoid luhan.. can you make it better authornim.. thanks for the story,, hope everything will be good for luhan nor sehun.. everyone deserves a second chances right?
Shawn111 #13
Chapter 44: Ah dude luhan! Karma is a biotch but you gotta keep living man!
charchar123 #14
Chapter 44: Aww man I hope Luhan finds his happiness... This chapter definitely made me empathize with lu and it breaks my heart that he's alone and distraught. I hope for him the best. Poor guy.
YourPrincessV #15
Chapter 44: Team Sehun<3
b2stie #16
Chapter 44: Luhan gonna kill Sehun lol or he gonna somehow drag Sehun down with him and they both be effed lol but thanks for the update!
Chapter 44: Ugh now Luhan is gonna ruin himself again. It's hard to make everyone happy, huh?
Chapter 44: whooo yes! please be with Sehun