Comments: Love: A Sonata in Four Movements

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Congratulations on getting featured! This is a really nice story! YOU DESERVE GETTING FEATURED! :D
I love your stories :) CONGRATULATIONS <3 :)
Oh my gosh I am so happy this got featured! This is my favorite story that you've written and it completely deserves the feature :D (As does I See Fire XD) Congratulations!
hyunhun #4
Chapter 5: Omg I was looking for this story! I read it when it only had 1 chapter but then I lost it. Finally....
Chapter 4: This is beautiful! A masterpiece .its something one should read in December to make it more memorable!! I loved this
Unbelievably beautiful story. I need a moment to calm my heart...
Chapter 5: Words can not express how happy I am to have come across this fic.'s beautiful and tragic and fluid and powerful, and that doesn't even begin to cover it. I could go on all day about the music concept, the writing style, the balance of what is said and what is left to the imagination, and the use of /important/ dialogue, but it all comes down to this: thank you for writing such a great story and sharing it with us.
Gorgeous story. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Rosasaur #8
This was really good! I love music related fics so I really loved this :)
Parahelion #9
Chapter 3: *heart hurts >.<!!!
Parahelion #10
Chapter 3: oops! that's *heart (sorry for the typo) :P
Parahelion #11
Chapter 3: OUCH... My hearts every time I read -- and re-read -- "I will R-U-I-N you" ugh... TAT
Parahelion #12
Chapter 5: This story blurs in all the right places, leaving what should have/could have happened for people to think for themselves. :) I'm always so happy reading your fics... Wish (but not demandingly) you'd write more... :)
Parahelion #13
Chapter 5: T-T I cried so much from the drama... My eyes are unbelievably puffy now... Seriously...
Chapter 5: ;----; I'm speechless
this is very beautiful and you know a lot of the music it's like that they really are a musician
JaeYong_TY #15
Chapter 5: beutiful

just beutiful

theres not much taoris fanfics with a musical instrument kinda theme it always wolf or there powers
(not that i dont like them cuz i LOVE them)

do you play cello and do you live maybe in europe cuz you sound european

i think
Golden-Teacup #16
Chapter 5: Wow... It's like every word you write just all comes together wow.... I can't even right now
Chapter 5: that's about right, bravo bravo bravo. you have a gift in writing authornim.
Chapter 5: OMG
THis is not ok
I'm going to start crying right now because this was so touching
I thought, "oh, this might be like that Beethoven movie"
but the plot caught me and pulled me in. This was absolutely beautiful and amazing
*goes to corner and cries*
Chapter 5: Okay. Okay. I. Am. Most. Definitely. NOT. Okay. I swear, someone HAS to make movies out of all your fan fictions. And cast TaoRis. It HAS to be them. Because seriously, I don't think what my mind conjures up, is even close to the perfection of your words. The emotion and beauty that accompany it are unimaginable. Really. I can't even. This story, from the title I knew it'd be amazing, but the story. The story is literal perfection. I seriously mean it needs to be published or something. All your works are short, but they're beautiful treasures. Aghhh, I can't even begin talking about parts of the storyline because in general it's too good. It really is. So, just know, that every moment and emotion in this story is wonderful❤️