Comments: It's a Hip-Hop World, Baby!

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AFF_Holic #1
Chapter 61: Aish you are freaking awesome author-nim
Your story is just fabulous
This is like the third time I read it ,, each time from a different account :p
Good job most perfect author-nim <3
ewanlen #2
Chapter 61: Can't stop smiling
Crazycapivara #3
It's like the third time I reread this fic and I seriously never get over the great story and writing. This is my favourite fanfic ever!! :DD
Sounds interesting
Chapter 61: can i say how much i freaking enjoyed reading this story?!! ok i said it.
Chapter 60: kekekekee Zico and Jiyongie aka Tom and Jerry part 2
Chapter 57: and they lived happily ever after???
Chapter 43: oh(continuously long oh sound)........ Rian is a badass!!!!! poor zico
Chapter 42: ooooooooooh and all i hear playing in my head is 'tonight' and 'her'
Chapter 32: Oh !! run Rian run!!
Chapter 31: OMO!! a confession?!
Chapter 22: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! (cue anime puppy dog adoring face here)
Chapter 22: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! (cue animae puppy dog adoring face here)
Chapter 21: Seungri is a dancer, now the only thing left is for him to actually be brave enough to defend his sister, aish!
Chapter 14: Wah! even RiRi got in a punch, but writernim why u make urri VI such weaksauce?
Chapter 11: AWWWWW KYOWO!!!!!
Chapter 6: Sorry for not commenting till now but this story is (corny moment in 3,2,1>>>) VERY VERY GOOOOOOOOOD!!!! (block B voice) kekeke

Yes, run away adul-ah, don't get caught, run far far away, and hide, don't even let them see the shadow of your hair!
Chapter 61: I loved it! The grammar was correct (bad grammar tends to distract me >_<) I enjoyed the music and you did an awesome job distributing drama, comedy, and romance evenly! Plus I loved the protectiveness the brothers had! AMAZING JOB!!! \(^_^)/
Tinker20340 #19
Chapter 41: I read like 41 chapters in 2hours
Chapter 61: A friend of mine introduced this fic to me, saying it was her all time favorite and I when I learned it was about Block B AND BigBang I jumped in excitement! My two favorite idol groups in one story that is gang related.... perfect! :D
I loved everything about it! Since I read this I couldn't find one single story that is better than yours so thank you so much for posting it :D