Comments: Remind Me

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Chapter 31: Agh, I saw the gifs in person. The concert was so perfect.
YoungjaeStephanieBAP #2
Chapter 31: Well I think this too tragic o_o
Stupid Doojoon, using the others >:(
Poor Sarah, hope she won't have conflict with 'you' either Youngjae :)
foreverabrainfox #3
Chapter 31: DooJoon should really just stop. -.- I sense more possibilities for my story web~. Not only HimChan, but I'm waiting for her prince YongGuk<33
Chapter 31: Curious about Sarah's background.. Thank you for the update authornim!! xoxo <3
Chapter 31: Hmm curiosu about Sarah and her dad...
those gifs lolll urgh I wish I could have gone to a LOE vconcert
Chapter 31: If there's someone I like more then Youngjae and even Bang, it'll always be Himchannie. Ah Himchannie <3 ::dotes on him with my feels while sending my army of ninja ice cats to destroy Doojoon::
Chapter 31: I'm curious what happen between sarah and her family update soon :)
Chapter 31: Hope that Sarah will open up soon. And congratz on your increasing subscribers! ^^
Chapter 30: I'm a new reader and i already here and your writing is really good i like the story so much authornim keep up the good work update soon :)
baka_don88 #10
I just wanna say, i love u.. thats it.. this story is perfect.. and i just cant wait till the next chapter is posted.. i read it again and again *i think i mention it in my comment at reminding you,, *
u should consider writing as a ur future..seriously,,maybe not a novelist but a script writer for movies..
Chapter 30: Haha, me and Youngjae always have the same hair color. It's weird.
YoungjaeStephanieBAP #12
Chapter 30: Aww~ Youngjae is so cuteee~ I like it when he feel embarrassed ^o^
What happen with Sarah? I hope she is okay :(
I look forward for your update~ ^.~
Chapter 30: N'aaawww
Mommy and daddy approves.
Congratulations, you may now kiss the bride
HitGirl #14
Chapter 30: Lol, I'll miss his balck hair! It made him so darn handsome! It was a really flattering colour on him, like how yellow or golden blonde is on zelo but not anyone else.
foreverabrainfox #15
Chapter 30: YoungJae is such an adorable chipmunk. (Heheh, since he had the cutest cheeks ever). >w< if only he could help in my kitchen, I can't really make anything except instant ramen.

I see those gifs everywhere and it hurts so much. Their LA concert is on the day we get back to school and my mom said no. TT~TT and yes, I'll miss his black hair, but he's still attractive af. I think everyone's done with YoungJae at this point. He's ruining everyone bias list–as I've heard from the NY concert people.
Chapter 30: I'm sobbing. Those gifs always get me. I can't watch the vids cuz i'll scream like crazy and Mikey would tell me shush. Ugh hurry up and date you two! Hurry up!