Comments: You Can't Control Me

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Chapter 16: Holy.... GAWD damn!!!
Claudine_NG #2
Chapter 16: Daehyun made me smile too :) Unfortunately, I prefer the talkative Daehyu than the silent one. >_< so cuteeee! Thank you for updating and I hope you update soo again!
NovFoxtrot #3
Chapter 16: Wow after you reveal Himchan's condition, now we'll have to wait for the true meaning of Sae Ryun's words? Haha, you really know how to keep the suspense going on, huh? Either way, the story is good! Keep it up, author-nim!
vinmya86 #4
Chapter 16: woah..i like her moment with Daehyun hahaha.. i really want to know what Sae Ryun mean with his words :(
Chapter 16: OTL Dae is coming out of his ninja shell. Whats the deal with Himchan? I cant stand him. Urgh
MeiMei90 #6
Chapter 16: Whoa! Absent seizures I never heard of that one before. It seems legit to me whooooa. She bopped him over the head with that information. HimChan is so rude!
Lol @ DaeHyun being so talkative. Halmeoni is a funny character. I appreciate her comedy. She is a joy everytime she comes into the story. I worry about her safety though. Since the news is out about Na Ri now who knows who is going to be following around and sees that she visits halmeoni. I don't want her to get hurt. :(
Chapter 15: aww... yongguk gets nightmares!~~~ lol. :L
aish, himchan, I really can't figure out what he has. cause i'm slow like that.
lol, anyways!~ update soon. <333
Chapter 15: No tell us now~~~ please
Chapter 15: I OWN YOU..what a indirect confession :)
Chapter 15: did yongguk just confess to her ? :D
vinmya86 #12
Chapter 15: wish himchan accept Nari order to help him :)
Chapter 15: UGH I am so obsessed with this story :D Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 15: Yongguk must've went through some traumatic experience when he was younger so now he wants to have everything under control....
And whats the deal with Himchan? Is he suffering from amnesia or some weird disease?
Claudine_NG #15
Chapter 15: I have a feeling that Yongguk has some past that haunts him that's why he turned into a vigilante. Will you soon reveal it? Whatever it is, I hope there's some kind of cure though. :/

NovFoxtrot #16
Chapter 15: I was hoping she would go in and give Bang a hug to calm himself or something haha. But this is fine with me, author-nim. You call the shots:) I really hope Himchan's condition is coming up real soon kekeke
MeiMei90 #17
Chapter 15: I want to punch Himchan in the face. I know he is trying to protect himself but it could put him in danger if no one knows what's wrong with him and help him through. I just want to punch him in the face. What nightmare is Bang having? Omg I want to know. She should have went in there and settled him down. I see her point in not going in though. I see they aren't going to get along at all.
Author-nim we are going to have to talk. Every time I see you update I think "Finally we are about to learn about Himchan" and it doesn't happen. Yaaaaah you got my hopes all high. I'll wait for that chapter to happen.
Chapter 15: Mhm mhm mhm interesting
simplebeez #19
Chapter 14: I think maybbee yongguk is trying to proctect them or something.. umm i am so curriiouusss~
Chapter 14: omfg, a part of me is hoping the yongguk snaps. It would be so dramatic. /slap/
ugh, I seem like a bad person now.
oh yeah, himchan!~ i'm really curious about him.
update soon!