Comments: My Personal EXO Fanfic Recommendations

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Chapter 94: kai stories <3
Chapter 94: Kai special please! ^^
Chapter 94: I think you should organize all the kai fics individually for each chapter
Chapter 94: I don't really mind as long as the fics are good LOL
Whatever works with you C:
Chapter 94: I don't really mine, as long as the story is interesting ahaha. plus, i like reading kai
reese0210 #6
Chapter 94: Kai special please! :)
Since its very hard for me to find a good ChenXOC, i'm gonna subscribe this..and thank you so much for all the recommendations(especially involving Chen^^) Oh yeah, i'm not sure you've read this or not '87 Steps to Kim Jongdae' by Margagrate(hope i spell it right).. its a really2 GREAT ChenXOC fic, at my 2nd place for top ChenXOC fics after Taming the Beast, if you never read that yet, i'm HIGHLY RECOMMEND this one..but if you've read that and its not to your liking then i'm sorry..btw,thanks again for all those reccomendations ^_^
Chapter 94: kai special ! :D
Chapter 94: Kai special sounds good :)
aneth121 #10
Chapter 94: Kai special baby! (:
Chapter 94: Kai special please :)
sootaehyo #12
Chapter 94: A Kai special is great hehe :)
bonbon #13
Chapter 94: A Kai special doesn't seem like a bad idea :) I just appreciate that you rec great stories.
Trililiii #14
Chapter 94: both are fine.. but special story sounds so interesting ^^
Helloooo I have just stumbled upon this shining goblet of goodness, thank you for all your recommendations :D I'm currently going through each and every one of them~

While I'm already reading, I'd like to share and recommend a fic that I just started reading Petrichor by thenamelesshero and I really love her writing style and Chanyeol is just simply precious in the story. I hope you'll enjoy reading as much as I do! Happy ready~
Chapter 94: I prefer kai special story ^^
Chapter 94: Both options are fine for me, but I think a Kai special would be easier for the readers because it's all in one go? :D
didzzz #18
Chapter 94: Both would work. Which would be more convenient for you would be the best.
rkdewi #19
Chapter 94: Hi Author nim, i am ok with both option. but i think most of reader will chose for Kai's special ;)
MrsJoonie #20
Chapter 94: maybe kai special is better imo, so people wont mistook it as another member story when they click it, even tho i know everybody loves kai lol