Comments: My Contract Marriage

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Chapter 24: What the hell on earth! I really waiting for this part!
Chapter 10: Love this chapter so!!!
Hi im newbie here ^^
Chapter 44: OMG! I'm gonna miss this story!! Huwaaa! Why did the sequel have a sad ending!!!
But, seriously this story left a lot of emotions in me. And guess what? After reading this, I dream of Luhan!! Hahah!!! And sadly he just my friend in the dream. XDD

Okay, enough of that! BTW!!! Thanks for making this story! I love you authornim! I love this story. I love Luhan. I love Sunmi! I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!

<3 <3
Sweetsweetland #4
Omg I love ur story so much<345
I like this story already! :-)
Laland #6
In love with this story
exoksehunnie #7
I love this story<3
Read for a 9461933734 times lol
Chapter 23: i've read it since a month ago and this makes me smiles like a crazy girl >~< nice story, i swear
JaxyAu153 #10
Chapter 44: This story is great! I really like it when Luhan gets jealous! It's so cute, gosh. And Author- nim, thanks for writing such a lovely story ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Chapter 44: omg this will be my fav story of luhan really. Author-nim your story deserve to be in the featured. I really love this story. Good jod author-nim.
kimbyeol #12
Chapter 42: I really love this aaaaa... The jealous and worried moment i found it really cute!!! Thanks for the amazing story. I'm waiting for another ^.~
nishimichi #13
Chapter 44: LOL omg seriously... i read the whole story without standing~ i really love et~! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 43: I love this <3 :)
Chapter 44: I read this whole story for the whole afternoon today and I absolutely loved it!! Author-nim you are an excellet writer! All my best wishes to you for your next fics
Chapter 45: this is so wonderful!!! thank you for this!!
LeeHyeAe #17
Chapter 45: I want it to be happt ending but I'm curious what will happen in the sequel..I'm a huge fan of Luhan and I'm might cry out loud when I read the sequel later but I'm really curious why it's end by sad ending..Hope u can update sooner author-nim..PLEASE!!!!!!!
LeeHyeAe #18
Chapter 44: OMG!!!!My fav fanfict ever..Thanks god I've found your fanfict..I love every single moment in it even I can imagine how the story line goes..our fanfict gave me a lot of emotions..I REALLY LOVE IT!!!!
Chapter 43: i just finished!! but what happened to the other members of exo? o__O