Comments: Taemin & Naeun Couple

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Chapter 441: lol taemin you always did this and made it worst lol omfg
you better prepare urself for naeun anger that comin through lol :p
can't wait next ep!!!>.<
Chapter 441: Oooooh Naeuns been mad once. Taemin your screwed :D
Chapter 441: haha~!! you better watch out taeminie~!!!! naeunie's anger is coming again~!!!
Chapter 441: Lol taemin doesn't know whats coming at him
Chapter 441: ㅋㅋㅋ 이러줄 알라서
Chapter 438: I love how even Naeun was happy she said I love you, she was bouncing all over:-)
Chapter 438: well i was hoping for taemin to hug naeun when they meet next episode but i don't think that is going to happen since she found out he lied.... again.. oh taemin -.- what to do with you... -.- her expression doesn't look really good
Chapter 436: Kai and Taemin are horrible friends to each other.

Tae film Kai crying.

Kai mock Tae's "I miss you."

Wow. lol
Ughh. No interaction between EXOPINK? What le fudge >.<?! I was kinda hoping no scratch that I was HOPING! Ughh. All though I could see Baekhyun smile kinda suspicious. (Baekji?) HAHA. Totally EXOPINK shipper. Sorry guys. My mind is just all about them. But seriously though there's something about Baek's smile. Shy maybe? (oh no my exopink feels staphhh) I love D.O and Kris, Sehun and Kai interaction. KEKE. (Can't just leave that, right?) Hmm. What else? Oh and I just love Apink reaction. Especially Namjoo and Eunji AND the main NAEUN! I mean they're so cute and I'm a girl. Totally fall for their charms! Errr. What else? Hmm. Kai such a teased and he actually not the shy type. I mean he can speak really well. Err. Chanyeol and his guitar. UGGHH. Love it! Chen ~ Why so cute with Baekhyun?! Oh Krisyeol moment (Meat-feeding) HAHA. What else? ~ OH OH! Shinee's reaction to apink performance in music core was totally daebakk. I feel them ya'know? Hool ~ :D Key totally don't give a fudge. XD Eunji pretty ~ I love you! HAHA. I don't wanna talk about the saranghaeyo part anymore since Taemin made a mistake again. I mean Naeun saw the clip where Taemin lied about being solo since born. I really can't wait to that now! HAHA. What would Naeun do? Hmm ~ Anyway, today's episode are fun. I mean there's EXOPINK for god'sakes! Taeun fighting! Shinee fighting! Apink fighting! Exo fighting! (secretly cheered; EXOPINK fighting!!) :D
Chapter 437: Okay Taeun...stop killing us with your cheesiness xDDD Best episode!!

cute exo maknaes playing around lol xD I can't imagine how will it be once an exo member joins wgm ahahah
Chapter 437: jongin is such a little tease hahaha
Chapter 435: but, nevermind~ it's okay anyway :)
Chapter 435: so....that's how she confesses "saranghaeyo".... it's somekind disappointed...
hanihani #14
Chapter 436: LOL KAI!!
i can't imagine how's kai's reaction if he see both of taeun for real XD
this is just soooo funny!
Chapter 437: exo's expression was hilarious when apink ate the meat hahaha taemin is so adorable he didnt even have any appetite to eat nawws
Chapter 436: Omg kaiiiiiiiii.....
SuperGeneration28 #18
Chapter 435: Thank you EXO!!!!! My TaEun feels...I just can't....
Chapter 435: taemin's reaction is soo cute ! omg! HAHAHHA and naeun really did say/sing 'i love you' awwww hahaha but i was hoping it'll be more romantic :(
Chapter 434: Officially done with Taeun! Seriously I'll keep saying it till it happens but they need to date like now!!!