Comments: Stupid Love, Why Don't You Just Die?

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Claudiaaa #2
OMONAAAAAAAAA~~~~~!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~ ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!!! IM SO SHOCKED AND SURPRISED BUT ABSOLUTELY HAPPEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TEAM KYUHYUN ALL THE WAY~~~~~ finally, kyuhyun. FINALLY YOU ARE STARTING TO ACT LIKE A MAN!! but i dont think maggy will be too pleased with your sudden confession! and donghae too!!
Such a great cliff-hanger, you better update soon you hear, author-nim??!!!!! :)))))
oooh what's the announcement!!!??? wow that lady is truly an evil mastermind. using their "love" against them? Dx aaaagh kyuhyun u are so predictable :3 wait where's donghaaeee she needs our lovely fishy! xD haha omg can't wait for your next update! :)
WHAT A CLIFF HANGER! Hahahaha. You really know how to keep us hanging. Well then, gonna wait for the next update! :D

midst_lhady22 #5
Why is it lots of Kyuhyun team today..kekek..

Team Donghae forever..

What will the managers announce today??pls update soon!!
honey_teuk #6
yeah!please make m0re kyu&maggy m0ments..thanks!

Still, TEAM KYU!!:)
chomelodies #7
team kyu team kyu team kyu!! ><
TEAM DONGHAE!!! I wonder what will happen >_<
katharine #10
i'm team kyu here as well i want my kyu moments
team kyu all the way
it's better now unnie (without the italicized style)
ticket to KOREA ^^

i want KyuGaret moment. Team Kyuhyun here :)
Claudiaaa #12
ohhhh....why is it that now most of the chapters are all dong hae and maggy moments....I WANT MY KYUHYUN AND MAGGY MOMENTS TOO!!!! :(((((((((((((((( WHERE'S TEAM KYUHYUN???????!!!
HAIZ.BUT anyway, im just glad you updated!!! :))
Oh, unnie. I know you know that i love you so much, right?
Thank you for this chapter. Really, really!

Hae moans. Asdfghjkl.
Team Hae where are you? Let's celebrate hae's winning moment!! :)))

iPhone or trip to Korea? BOTH! Loljk. I'll go for iPhone 4
Why do I have the feeling that Honey's mom is arranging for Maggy's and Honey's marriage? Donghae and Maggy FTW! LOL I used to be on Team Kyuhyun but now I'm Team Donghae/hot oppa! :D
good update!!! but where kyuu???? :( i miss him...... KyuGaret forever!!! <3 <3 <3 and as for the iphone or ticket to korea, its up to you but i would take the ticket if youre going to attened a super show/smtown concert :) i looovvvee iphones; i dont have one but i dont think i could live without my ipod!!! :)
aaaagh too cute!!!! Bwahahahahahahaha "lee donghae how could you just moan in front of her" hahaha aigoo donghae u are just.....ASDFGHJKL sooo cute! :3 wow...amnesia must be kyu's worst nightmare ;c now maggy is pairing him with Victoria...then again I'm leaning toward donghae now sorry kyuhyunnie x6 btw LOVE the codename i cant wait to see how that plays out ;D ouch I thought we got rid of evil rich mom....-.- poor maggy....fighting! x) thank you for the update!! can't wait until the next <3
honey_teuk #17
auth0r-nim, can y0u pls put s0me kyuhyun-maggy m0ment?i miss them already..kkk
BTW,thanks f0r the update!Update s0on!ok?
Maggy, when did you become a vampire?

Yes, yes Hae, I know that you're happy, but please don't be rude to Hyukjae.

Ooh, meeting Monster Mom isn't exactly the best thing in the world
xD xD xD Maggy and Hae.. the--th---they're about to kiss ! arghh author why didn't you let them kiss each other? O.O x) just kidding.. I'm still on Kyu''s side.. Kyuhyunniee.. fighting ! x))
Hahahaha aaaw of course kyu would be happy ;) haha anyways awesome update!! aaaaargh lee donghae stop screwing up my bias list ;P heehee aaaw Ikr I found out about the accident last year and when I saw the news videos I felt like crying because you really feel with them no matter what like donghaes dad or kyuhyuns accident. Thank god that he survived <3 anyways haha I love eunhyuks reaction ;) aaaaaaaaaaah!! SO CLOSE TO KISSING *spazz* kyaaaaaa!! U have no idea how loud I squealed xD can't wait for the next update! Saranghae and hwaiting! (^.^)