Comments: In The Pudding Club

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luhanna #1
Chapter 6: are exploding right now. Thank you so much for writing this! :)
luhanna #2
Chapter 6: omg, I don't usually read mpreg but I really really love this. I love the pacing and how real the characters seem. Luhan seems old, with a kid and a marriage soon, but really he's just a lost kid that needs Sehun. My feels for selu
arejour #3
Chapter 6: arggg i love selu, but urk my heart still cries a little for myungsoo. I'm aware of the problems between him and luhan but I always have a soft spot for the guys who've always been there and tried in their own way. I feel like he just doesn't get it, poor guy! The scenes him and luhan had in the first and second arcs were lovely in their own way, in his own way. And thinking of luhan growing up, pining after him is just too bittersweet. If only he had reciprocated sooner! If only he hadn't made luhan so insecure. I was so sad that he wasn't there to support luhan through childbirth, but even more so when ziyu cried when he first held him. Even now, ziyu doesn't seem close to myungsoo though he already adores sehun. I mean, this is a man who's given up a lot of his own heart and dignity to claim someone else's son as his own. That really can't be easy! I almost cried when myungsoo told luhan that he could love ziyu because ziyu is luhan's. I could totally imagine them as a stunningly beautiful upper crust power couple.

I will always love selu, but in this story I can't help but to love the character you've made in myungsoo! Especially when he tells luhan he's always thinking about him. I can just imagine him caring so much about luhan always, and no one else. It breaks my heart to think that they're never going to work out.

That being said, bookstore business mogul sehun is pretty damn hot :) he seems to have matured too! can't wait to see how he wins luhan back and how the 2 of them make it up to each other. Love this story! love yixing. You write characters so well, and your plot is tasteful and entertaining!
Chapter 6: My HunHan feels .-.
I want hunhan..I feel Sehun has suffered enough..he needs Ziyu now..And no ziyu without Luhan..So Hunhan needs to be together...I hope Myungsoo doesn't love Luhan as much as it is being portayed..Then he won't feel that bad when he doesn't get Luhan..At last lemme say i love well written. And fav character..
Chapter 6: NOOOOOO!!!! I MEAN...YESSSSSSS!!!!!
But i was only saying no because the chapter ended. You dont know how much i love this story...wait, u do. XD. Anyways, I dont know how many feelings i am getting from this. Oh god.
SEOULster #7
Chapter 6: Okay...not to overlook Myungsoo, but I honestly want Sehun and Luhan together as a family with Ziyu. However, I'm s conflicted because there's the apparent love from Myungsoo too! UGH. (I still secretly want HunHan.) I hope Luhan realizes his feelings and to take what Yixing had said to him earlier on. And if HunHan happens...I HOPE MYUNGSOO LIKE...FINDS SOMEONE HE LOVE TOO HAHA
Chapter 6: and btw i just love how your story is making my heart ache and damn i learned to love myunghan because of you and this fic but i just cant take how everything is so sad for my ultimate ship
Chapter 6: OMG, dont tell me youre going to dkfc, wait are you pinoy? Or maybe youre not gonna attend dkfc i just assumed cos dkfcs on saturday and do you even know what im talking about.
Chapter 6: good update. your pacing is always so great!
Chapter 6: I flailed my arms and legs on my bed, kicking the sheet off when u updated this sobs
finally they- oh god my feelings are just so out of this world ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I just feel bad for myungsoo now tsk tsk

also that concert... Are you taking about dkfc omg
Chapter 6: Ah this is just /sobs. But, as I read in your a/n Sehun and Luhan are getting together so everything should be good.
I anticipate the next update^^ I'm sure it's going to be completely epic.
Chapter 6: actually i enjoy this story, but dont you think its not fair for myungsoo ? he was the one who always stay beside luhan and his son. not sehun, as much as i love hunhan, i kinda dont like it when love mean as unfair thing.

but, nice update ^^
I miss this story already :"(
jagi-yah #16
Chapter 5: Okay, so it's almost 4AM PST and I had originally planned to get my sleeping schedule back on track but then I just HAD to click the NC-17 tag on HunHanfics @ tumblr.

I'm not going to lie, I was about to just skip this entire storyline and head for the , but after realizing how great this plot is and how wonderful your writing looked, I read this all word-for-word (and the occasional over-analyzing) and I am floored. Your writing is so effortless! And it's ironic because the reason it looks that way is because you actually do put so much effort into it. I absolutely love it! I like how you're showing off everyone's opinion in such a great third person POV. I enjoy reading this so much; this could be a K-Drama if it wanted. Thanks for writing this!~ ^.^

Quick question, though: what do you mean by arcs (e.g. story arcs)?
Chapter 5: owh... That's hurt... Plz, is that a plan from yixing and myungsoo (maybe)? Plz update soon, so i can know... ^.^
Chapter 5: HOLY ____. HOLY ____.
I CAN'T...
/Breaks into tears/
And I am quite selective on what I like to read, so this is a big compliment.
I'd just like to say that I'm so happy that you had written this, because it's stories like these that make me want to punch things, screaming, 'I AM SO ____ING LUCKY THAT I CLICKED THAT LINK! YES YES YES! I MUST RECCOMEND THIS EEEEVVVEEERRRRYYYYWWHHHEEERRREEEE!!!!!!!!!!'
That kind of thing.
I'd also like to say that the way you write is just splendid. The sweet pea thing was so heartbreaking and even tho Myungsoo is so.....yeah, I admire him for pulling thru with the baby, merely not because of the fact that it is Sehuns, but for the fact that it was Luhans. That was a more positive look on it and that was more fav Myungsoo moment.
I want to wait patiently...but I cant because now I'm going to take note of this story and occasionally check up on it whether I subscribe or not.

Bye bye! Well not really, Ill be back but...
I'll be back~!
I gotta calm my feels down.
Chapter 5: i cannot handle this ok. Sehun calling him sweet pea just got me right in the feels and I honestly can't see much hope for a reconciliation and why is your writing so beautiful as well im dying here
Luhan cant just simply get back together with Sehun, there will be more drama not sure if heart can bear it argh srsly I adore your story and will be waiting patiently for the next part <3