Comments: Ditch or Hitch: Like You Have a Choice

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Chapter 22: OMG, I reaaaallly want Kris to win. Just so that there will be drama!
Chapter 21: Haha, I can't wait to read the next chap. Kris's finacee, this is my final warning, DO NOT COME BACK!!!
Chapter 20: OMG, maybe they will love each other by the end of this book! But there are like, 20-something chapters left and it's ongoing... Fingers crossed!
Chapter 1: first, i came bcs the trailer, but this is really different! love it for first read <33
Chapter 18: Lol, is it annoying that I'm commenting on every single chapter? First of all, I'm doing it from my heart, since I'm doing it from my phone in the middle of the night, so I have to make sure that autocorrect didn't mess up anything... Lol. I would have and second and a third, but I have nothing else to come up with. Other than that this story is really funny and amazing! Lol

I'm laughing my off, but yeah, lei I think you should quit your second job.. Will you do that for me? For Kris? Lololol
Chapter 17: Aw, Kris... Well, I wish you guys a happy life from now on... Kris's fiancée, don't you ever come back! Lol, which is funny, cause I'm listening to the song which says to 'never let go'... Don't listen to me, I'm crazy! Stay with him, lei! Don't let go of him!
Chapter 16: Oh, you sneaky Kris!!! Ahaha, Tao, your finally getting along with your new 'brother-in-law'?
Chapter 15: Heheehe, she sure did act that way!!!!

Omg, every time 'neh' is mentioned in this book, I think of it as 'no'... I should stop that, huh...? Okay...
Chapter 13: Lollolololol, the authors note is soo funny, lol you guys are amazing! I'm loving this story! :)
Chapter 11: Awww, kris... I will just hate to see you break because of her later on....
Chapter 9: Oh no, Tao and lei...
Chapter 8: Ahahaha, but I'm starting to feel bad for Kris, since his supposed 'wife' ran out on him... Great story, guys! :)
Chapter 7: Awwiie! I actually like them together! Kris's previous finacee, don;t come back!
Chapter 6: Omo, I hope she's going to be okay!
Chapter 4: Omg, I'm clapping like a mad maniac... and I was told so.
Chapter 3: LOLOLOL, Blackmailing her into marrying him, lololol
Chapter 2: Omigod, this is so good, I could die! ;)
Chapter 49: YAY~ AN UPDATE! ^^ But wow. Lei's family is really...physical O.o Also, just what was that one thing that could rile Tao up?

P.S. Really Xiumin? You better be happy that you're adorable.
P.S.S. On a serious note, thank you for the update. Hope that everything went well and good luck with the other things that you currently have to do.
Chapter 49: Update soon juseyoooooooooooo
alyahusna01 #20
Chapter 49: hahahahaha , great story !