Comments: Never Let Me Go

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cupachups #1
Chapter 55: i love you missribbons, i love kim jongin <3
cupachups #2
Chapter 55: i love you missribbons, i love kim jongin <3
sisy91 #3
Why why im always here !!? Read read and reread again
Chapter 55: Just finish reading this story and I seriously love it. Hoping for book 2 , lmao
cutedaragon #5
Chapter 55: Urgh, I feel like it's incomplete T.T..... I hope to see more of Jongin and Hana lovey dovey moments T.T
I swear, I really don't mind a sequel, in fact I'd love to ehehehhe
Chapter 40: omg i!! finally found it! i read tons of jongin fics and this scene was on my head for like a month now then i come to reread this fic again and omg im glad i didnt have to read 29 fics of jongin i've read just to find this scene
Chapter 55: can you make a sequel? this story is totally daebak!
Chapter 55: One word: A M A Z I N G .
Drottingu #9
Chapter 52: I don't know what to say, this story is so beautiful ❤
Chapter 55: this was so.....beautiful. tears are coming out -tears tears- T-T Amazing story.
dawandas #11
this is soo beautiful ㅠㅠ i always re-read this when need some stress relief ( but stupid me i just subscribed it-_-" )
Chapter 55: Rereading it...and loving it all over again.^^
kaijonginksu #13
Chapter 55: OMFG ... I feel liking hugging you so tight author :-) You so amazing ! This fic is the best ..I have ever read !! You made me fall in love with jonginee even more ! And you are really good at this ! If u ever get some time ...please do reply !
oltajongin #14
Chapter 55: i just don't know what to say..i have 2 weeks that i can't stop crying just because of this story...this has destroyed me...ITS SO PERFECT THAT I WANT TO THANK U EVERYSECOND FOR WRITING THIS
kimmiekimmuackzzzzz #15
Chapter 32: Im out of words....!!!! Asdfghjjk asdfghjkl ... If i need to say anything You are my fav !!!!
kimmiekimmuackzzzzz #16
Chapter 31: Mebbe its u misstibbons who actually has connections wz me... Like tot connections. I think i was You in my previous life... I can explain why i think dat way!!! Buh i juz want to point out a part dat took me by surprise... Seriously?? The first thing i do when i read books is smell it !!! I love books dat smell, i love how they smell n i cant even put a finger on how da smell smells!!! It juz refresh me... I mat sound ridiculous buh its true!!!! N ppl raise their eye brow at me when i try to explain how books smell n how i luv da smell. N when ever they offer to give me books i ask them if they smell n if da pages r yellowish (a bit old is more perfect)! Omg i talked too much!
Chapter 3: Well, it is an interesting story , i like it so far. But lets see ,,, good job author