Comments: Guardian of an Obnoxious

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Chapter 49: Nawhhhh update soon author-nim, I somehow ship ah ri with luhan rather than kai
aIcAiNothing #2
Chapter 43: I actually want Minah and Luhan Oppa to get back together... Sorry JongIn Oppa, I just can't! I've been crying rivers and this story is perfection!
xoxo-dyo #3
Chapter 49: Alright i dont even know where to begin but this story is A ING GOLD . I just found this last night and cant stop reading this but sadly i finished all updated chapters...... ahhhh why did i read it so fast *tch* . Author-nim youre so amazing to be able writing this awesome story . I think i will re-read this whenever im free while waiting for your updates .
Lillybellsun #4
omg I didn't even realize this isn't complete yet haha please update~
nanayeolxx #5
Chapter 49: update pls
Lillybellsun #6
Chapter 21: I've already finished this story about a year ago.. yet I'm here again.. I still can't find a story as amazing and well written as this one.. I'm looking for a story similar to this one, but soo far none have sparked my interest, welp. Any recommendations?
aIcAiNothing #7
Chapter 13: Okay... I've come to this conclusion that Sora is Kai's mum! Am I talking rubbish? Or am I not gonna get surprised afterwards?
tonisha #8
Chapter 49: Such a great story. Love it love it love it ♥ Pls remember to eat & sleep often !! I hope work's not too hard exoexo Fighting!
Chapter 49: OK. So this is an awfully delayed comment on the story, but better late than never. I've been meaning to drop you a small review ever since I started reading, but once I began, I swear this fan fiction put me on a roller coaster of feels I hadn't seen coming at all.
Author-nim... bless you. Bless your hands, and bless your brain, because this is most likely - hands down - the best fan fiction I've come across on this site, that features my two Exo bias, and it makes me so happy to see them portrayed as people with actual personalities. You write so well that I sometimes feel I actually KNOW the characters, which is an amazing gift, I believe. Not many stories I've read actually make me emotionally attached to original characters, but Ah Ri's personality is so bloody strong, down-to-earth, and at the same time realistically vulnerable to weaknesses that I'm astounded by how genuinely emotional I get reading about her when she's in pain. It's incredible. Gosh, the moments when she interacts with Kai just gets me every single time. I love the relationship they have. And even though I'm rooting for those two, Luhan is growing on me like fungus here, welp.
As for pace... dammit. You got this so spot on it's not even funny. Their development and the steady progression of how this all happens is really wonderful, and it sat so well with me from the start. The concept is one I was a little sceptical of at first, yet you pulled this off flawlessly. I really admire how well you've written all this, actually. You must have a terrific imagination, because even the scenarios Ah Ri's in whether it's with Kai, Luhan, Exo-K, or even the rotten dudes from her school just captivate me like you cannot believe.
This story is so good I had to deliberately stop myself from reading on because I was afraid if I kept going at the pace I was, I was going to reach the end too quick! Amazingly written. I wish I could type a longer comment but I'm exceeding the 2000 words limit here, welp
Chapter 10: I just need to leave a quick message before i continue. Chap 9 and i'm crying already goosssshhh
Chapter 16: Hi! I love your fanfic! :)
Chapter 49: back here for the 3280325th time i miss this storyyyyyyy
Pakuki #13
Chapter 46: Omo, this story is beautiful! <3
hellobenus #14
I wish you'd update :( I want to know what happens next :( please updateeee
sheilajongin #15
Pls update
googletranslate #17
interesting.. ill read it later.
RizzaPie #18
Chapter 49: A lot has happened last year and this year about exo, I wonder if you're okay?
Chapter 19: I'm reading this story for the 4th time now