Comments: Exposed: The Secret Lives of EXO

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dwylwyd #1
Chapter 27: oh am eff this was so funny I burst out laughing and everyone within a 5m radius looked at me weird. HAHAHA GREAT FANFIC AND DIPS ON CHEN FOR TROLLING
Chapter 29: Haha, ill go do that! ^.^
Slytherinese #3
Chapter 27: *click click the blog roll*
Ohh,thats nice of you to do such thing dear author :DDD
You're hella nice :3
Chapter 29: okay i shall do that
Awesome and funny fic author nim ! Love it update soon love lay and luhan moments and chanbaek fights !!!
meloniberry #7
Chapter 12: This is the most awesomest thing ever
B2utyful-Elf #8
Chapter 6: "So we can complain about an individual?" XD Hahaha! D.O.'s such a cutie here. I feel bad for him though, since i kinda like the Kaisoo pairing ^_^ Baekhyun's gag was hillarious, but man was it mean. I pity Suho, I hope he can manage the kids better and I hope the kids will actually pay attention to him. But powerpoint presentations are too much to handle ^_^
Congratulations on the feature! You've got me very curious, though, so subscribed.
Jonjengiya #10
Congratulations on getting featured!
Chapter 28: I can't stop rofl-ing while reading this. You're awesome. This fanfic is awesome. So I can't wait for more~! Hwaiting author-nim~ :D
Chapter 24: Hey! I'm totally dying reading this story. I shall neglect all other business until I safely complete marathoning this. Haha, this is hilarious stuff. Lay's condition with fanfiction and late nights are totally what I go through! :P a little thing though, "the maknae of V's family of five" is actually Krystal not SL. aha OTL forgive my and my nitpickyness (if that's a word)
Good luck with this though, I'm so excited to read more!
Chapter 27: I just went on a marathon reading your story and it's 12:22 in the morning and I have to get up at 6 tomorrow, but may I say, it was worth it!!!! This story is brilliant (and from the point of view from one of my biases in EXO) I love the way you characterizes EXO and I find it all to be so brilliant and well done! I'm definitely going to upvote this (when I'm on something that actually lets me) and I can't wait till you post the next chapter! Sorry I ranted a bit... But lovely story!! Keep up the amazing work!!!
your idea for this story is interesting (using blog) HAHAHAHA~~~
if only there's laynicorn in real
Chapter 11: XD I was actually thinking they might have switched bodies like secret garden then died when I read xiuxiu say the same thing xD
naznew #16
Chapter 25: Great story.. I like it..
B2utyful-Elf #17
This is really amusing ^_^ I've only read the first two chapters and I feel like laughing out loud ^_^ great job author-nim
bellebonbon #18
<3 congrats