Comments: Seducing Nerdy Chanyeol !

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whatthebeck #1
Chapter 41: OH MY GOSH CONGRATULATIONS ON THE FEATURE!!! Oh man this story is a blast from the past for me haha! I still remember getting excited whenever chapter 12 came out haha
Chapter 41: Dear author-nim.... yr ff was so amazing and enjoyable ... even my sense had beem drown by reading it... I enjoy it but yet a bit unstatified by the ending ... no,no I not mean that yr ff not good but I hate chanyeol considered her as a friend just not a yeoja-chingu. And she agreed for being just a chingu. I just like 'what the hell u guys just being a friend even u guys completely like each other... make sense dude..' ... I even shouted for not agree with it... so I hope author-nim can make sequels to make me more satisfied...(or even better the season 2..muahahaha) thnx for the amazing ff and good luck for yr life author-nim(and for yr features ff... *grins* )
nicolia #3
Chapter 40: Hi authornim! Ur story is so good!!
I like the way the story u created...
Ahhh I cried ㅠㅠ
Can u please make sequel??? Jebal...
Chapter 41: Gosh, even if I hate this story for being so long but I love it! Well, except for Kai being such the first cousin of Satan if you asked me. Hahaha, no one would ask me anyways but I really like your story. Thank you so much for taking my attention away from all stress school stuff. (Even if the decision is I am alone making it ^^') So, hope your story will be a novel to sale one day. Hope it doesn't sound weird ^^')
surreal_dreams #5
I agree with you, people really do come and go. It's one of life's unreasonable journeys we go through.
Chapter 5: so cuteeeee. the first time a fanfic can got into me this deep
kaival #7
This made me cry so much!! I have no words..
chodenlovekaixoxo #8
congratulation author-nim for ur story being featured <3
Gunter9001 #9
Chapter 41: Ejhejhehhhhbhhbahhhhhhahahheh&hhhhhh

I can't explain how i feel.
kawaiigirl1342 #10
Chapter 41: One of the best I've ever read and I was really surprised to have it relate to me so much (minus the boyfriend part) but I've had a lot of intimate things about myself revealed to the school and I actually cried. It's a really beautiful story~ <3
Chapter 41: I love this story and anticipate it so much
Choi_68 #12
Chapter 40: ㅠ____ㅠ Is this really the end? I cried while I am supposed to be asleep by now. I♥♥♥♥♥This fanfic. It is now one of my fave~ :-* I love this fanfic~I cant believe its the ending already…Gosh, i love your story. I didnt care if your grammer was wrong but i loved how you described the moments when Chanyeol and the reader had their kiss. Omo, it was just so romantic but can you make a sequel?
Chapter 40: ~T_T~♥♥♥~T_T~~T_T~
Chapter 30: I love this gif with all my heart.
Chapter 40: While I was reading the entire fic I was dreading the ending. I just didn't want to read the ending because I was scared of what might happen, but at the same time I wanted to skip all the chapters and just want to read the happy ending. I stuck With the story, and literally CRIED. Cried as in BAWLED. Since I was reading the fic believing the main girl was me, I felt like such a big jerk for hurting Chanyeol.

What was really unique about this story, was the fact how the girl was the one following the deal. Usually, these types of fics have the guy being a part of a bet and them falling in love while seducing a girl, but this was the other way around.

It was also hard to imagine Chanyeol as a loser, but I still read through it believing so.

Anyways, I'll end my totally irrelevant long comment. I rarely write this much, but when I means I sincerly liked what I read. You made me BAWL authornim. Not only that but you taught me a kind of moral lesson: never break someone's heart because you don't want others to see your . LMAO :)
Chapter 27: Ah! Those pictures at the bottom are perfect!
daisyqurl #17
Chapter 40: I cried at 12 in the morning...
Chapter 40: Not the ending I was expecting....
ficsluv101 #19
Chapter 40: Congrats on the feature, author-nim! You deserved it~