Comments: Awkward

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Baekhyun talk to Chanyeol, I don't want Yeollie sad :| new subscriber here. I can't wait for the next update
omo, update soon! :'c
zeeexoblueicy1 #3
I'm interested in what went on with Kai and Chanyeol!! <3 i love this fic with a fiery passion~
Noriko1 #4
It's so sad .. :( But I love it.
Hey! Who us Jonghyun compared to Yeollie? I news Bacon already chose Yeollie over, was it Won Bin..? Awesome fic! Yaaaaay! Please update soon! And I love the GIF with Suho, so many feels!
MomoShines #6
*sobsobsob* chanyeolie, y u no talk to baekhyunie!?!?! I don't like unhappy chanyeol! >.< update soon
shinees_principessa #7
I knew it.. there was no papaer... god baekhyun... don't be like this! how can you be so blind?
I mean... come on... who's Kim Jonghyun, when you can have Park Chanyeol!?
Chaaanyeool.. :'(
I don't what to say.. The story is just too damn good!

Please update fast!~
hyunaigoo #9
The part where jinki said about seeing chanyeol eating alone outside the library just broke my heart. like literally. I always have a soft spot for clumsysensitivedumbawkward!chanyeol sobs <3

do continue ; u ;
What happen to Chanyeol? Did he fall in love with Baekhyun?
.... baekhyun tho.
i kind of agree with chanyeol, and i'm glad he said what he did.
he deserves way better than jjong-is-life baek, tbh.
WhatLostYourVoice #12
This is one of the best Baekyeol fic I've ever read. It's interesting and keeps me wanting more! Really, this is awesome and I hope you drag on the angst more and make Baekhyun realize his mistakes/feelings.
Omg yeol :'(
this is THE best baekyeol fic ive ever read. It's amazing
kroongho #15
I wish i hadn't decided to read this right now BECAUSE I AM SO FULL OF EMOTIONS AND I AM JUST CRYING AND JUST?!?!?!?????! ALL OF MY GENUINE TEARS!!!!!!
I'm just going to stay here and be a bit more heart-broken until your next update. ;-;;; I really wish i hadn't found this fic at this point. Like maybe when they're happier???? idk omg just. Feels.

idek what this comment is but here you go. 8((((
Xandra #16

So many feels...
I just want to say, this fic is amazing in every way possible! I'm not kidding, I absolutely adore it!
I love the characterization, how Baekhyun is very determined and focused and still loves his best friend yet is oblivious to the fact that he has a controlling side.
I love how Chanyeol is awkward and bright and amazing! He's just too cute for words! And even though I thought his and Baekhyun's friendship is adorable, I'm glad he finally gave Baekhyun an insight of what he thought about their relationship and finally sort of stood up for himself, even if Kai was the one who coaxed it out of him (though I do think Chanyeol came to this on his own)
I really do hope their conflict is resolved, though. I love their whole friendship story and how they've known each other like the back of their hands. Baekhyun should stop thinking about Jonghyun so much and pay attention to Chanyeol without exactly dictating his life. Their friendship is too valuable, and I really hope he doesn't get too caught up in Jonghyun.
Wow. Long comment is long. But your fic is so worth it! Please update soon!
Crud!! Update soon. Goshh Kai what the heck
are you up to? Got my asian self going crazy!
When I found this fic and some others... I forgot
All about the dramas I was watching! Lol
Exolove #19
This just hurts my heart : ' ( Baekhyun Chanyeol! Will you guys just be together!! : ' ( Bakyeol : (
Want. to. keep. reading. but. no. chapters. left. Arghhh this is so good and pretty unique.
Oh god, this story. I feel like you took part of my life and put it into this, lol
God don't ever use that Suho gif, whenever I come upon it I can't stop staring and laughing my off!! Wish I had a tumblr so I could fangirl with everyone and make internet friends, but it would too much time out of my life lol. This was suppose to be a two-shot?? Insane. Those chapters would have to be pretty long! Can't wait for the next update, poor Chanyeollie... the big umbrella ;_;
and here I thought they would get together or something.
. . . so Kai is interfering?
He has Kyunsoo [?] so he should leave the breakfast couple alone!!
BUT, if that were it, wouldn't they be together? [chanyeol and Kai]???
letsfly01 #24
Chanyeollie~~ Thank you for updating! I really love this story. Please update again soon! <3
FanficLover1998 #25
XD awesomeness ~^_^ OMG so nice!!!I< 3 U
Update soon~^^
update <3 I just get so happy to see a story has updated because I'm always hoping it is yours! And this chapter, oh my feels. Poor Chanyeol, what has Kai been telling you? I can't wait to read more
kyokomiyuki #27
Interested! Totally interested!
I would have to see that side oneshot.
your writing is just amazing, and I swear, I nearly broke when I read the last line of this chapter.
Baekhyunnie~ T_T
Update soon~
Hihi. this is really good. i need more of it seriously XD !!! Cliffhanger! I need moree ~
FishyHaeFishy #29
I pictured a cutie Chanyeol sitting outside the library, happily and cutely enjoying his lunch balanced on his knees xD! And then him drumming chopsticks on them and them breaking lolz! <3
Really wants to know whats going on with Yeol though.... o.o
CuriosityShapeMaker #30
Kill Bill ftw. That is all.
firstly, ouch to baek for being 'ditched' like that... but it'a not like yeol didn't tell him about it first. i completely agree with kai, though. everything he said is so true it almost hurts. baek needs to get it together, and figure out what he wants.
MomoShines #32
I absolutely love chanyeol. Like no joke, this story is making me question my bias list. And the baekyeol fluff made me squeal. Out loud. I love this story!!! Please update soon! >.<
this supercute baekyeol thingie kills me ~~ cutness overlooad :D <3
Aaaaaaaaaaaah *_____________* I can't wait for more :333 It's super cute! ^___^
zeeexoblueicy1 #35
SHINee and exo together!! i love it! (even tho SHINee are kinda s lol). i really really like how Baekhyun stood up for Chanyeol, cos I didn't really expect him to, and Kai's lecture was spot on haha. and ofc Baekyeol fluff is always welcome :D ahh i love this~
YOU HAVE MY NAME AND YOU SHIP ONTAE, we must be twins or something!! Also, poor Chanyeol... everyone making fun of him :(
shinees_principessa #37
so... I went to sleep yesterday... and today you already postet 2 new chapters? o_O WOW!
And I loved them!
Chanyeol is sooo cute and awkward!
Haish..Baekhyun don't get to confuse anymore!
sjsapphireblue #39
love how you characterized Chanyeol :D
finally some Baekyeol moment!!!
but i was expecting something awkward to happen between them.
why? dunno.
but, i liked it.
Chapter 5 killed bill dude!!!!! Update soon please!

I LOVE THIS STORY!! its entertaining and fluffy and whatnot lol
Omg!! Chapter 4 was reallyy good! But shinee better
Stop talking down my derpy baby Channie Yeollie.
If he did all that weird stuff they said i'd think he
Was the cutest kid ever!:)
FishyHaeFishy #44
Waaaah multiple updates in one day :D!!!! Love it ^___^!!!
Best author ever :D!
letsfly01 #45
I really love the way you're portraying Chanyeol in this fic^^ (not like I'm biased or anything [;) haha thank you for so many updates! I can't wait for the next chapters~
Yeah another chapter. I love the plot. I love the baekyeol. This is the only baekyeol story I'm readig right bow and I just find myself enjoying it so much. I love how the characters act and their thougts and it's just so amazing. And of course chanyeol would like kill bill. <3 amazing job I love it all and I can't wait for more. I'm going to go insane while I wait lol.
I like chanyeol :3 if bacon doesn't want him, can I have him? WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON I CAN'T EVEN.
13aholic #48
hell as much as I love Baekhyun (my bias fyi lol) he seriously needs to get his s togther and realised how important Chanyeol is in his lifeeeee gosh seeing silly Chanyeol pretending to be oblivious and cheerful every time is not so pleasant y know T^T

Love this story soooo much <3
13elievein154ever #49
O.O Chanyeol.... "Chanyeol’s favorite movie in the whole world is Kill Bill. He knows every word and he always has to watch both of them. The movie is the goriest, craziest thing that Baekhyun has ever seen but Chanyeol likes it because it’s funny.

People getting chopped in half every two seconds and Park Chanyeol thinks it’s funny. Baekhyun doesn’t even try to understand." Seriously?!?! are you sadistic or something?!?!
This is awesome , seriously.
OMG HI SHINeeeeeeee~ My favorite boys in one fic ugh I can't hfklvzgu =))))) Key is a omg I love him so much <333 BAEKYEOL FTW! I agree with Kai~ ooooohhh~ =))) UPDATE UPDATE!
xxjenjaexx #52
poor chanyeol, I hope baekhyun opens his eyes soon because treating something you call a friend like that is just plain horrible.
FishyHaeFishy #53
Baekhyun is a really good friend, standing up for chanyeol and all :)
The two need to confess xD but I have a feeling thr won't be for a while until both of them get their feelings straightened out.
Excited for the next update ^^
yes, there has been no baekyeol interaction, but when there is I know it will be amazing. Keep up the good work I know it will be amazing.
CuriosityShapeMaker #55
Oh my gosh. Key in this. I think I love you.
And the Baekyeol. And running in to the door and saying sorry. That sounds like something I'd do. I love this fic. And you got a new tumblr follower in me~
kyokomiyuki #56
aaah! baekhyun-ah! Why are you so... >.<
On another note, I really love Kai's character here.
Looking forward to the baekyeol fluff~
Update soon~
Exolove #57
You are sooo awesome <3 You update really fast : ) I hope Chanyeol confesses cause it's pretty obvious that he likes bacon <3, yeah but i think bacon needs to let him go first. But I don't think he'll survive without Baekhyun so he's gonna need him <3. Same with Baekhyun. Hope that helped <3
Exactly my point.
U love/hate this ff.
But I understand u might need to get something's out of the way (or more like write about them) before you can procee to that.
i like this
FanficLover1998 #60
Heyyyy~\^o^/ just gotta say tat this is a awesome story!;) can't wait fr updates~><
Omg Kai you are really good
shinees_principessa #62
Hey ^^ I just found this story and I really like it so far ^^
But I agree with the others ;) Chanyeol should confess!
Hope, you'll update soon ^^
Omg so depressing, Chanyeol should just confess instead of being a derpface. He's making me fall in love with him with his awkwardness >_< Now I don't even care about Bacon, I'm worried for Chanyeol lol.
DUUUDE THAT JEJU ISLAND PHOTOSHOOT. I agree, Baek's legs are weirdly fascinating. I also propose a law that says Kai should never wear a shirt ever. His dark skin is so FRICKIN ATTRACTIVE
Aw, this !
I can't stand them being this way.
Chanyeol.. a.. pointguard..?
omg, hottest thing i could have ever imagined o_o
you are a genius. and i love how good of a friend chanyeol was for baek. thats so cute <3
sjsapphireblue #66
I really like how the story is progressing so far :)
chanyeol is truly and utterly amazing, for sticking by baekhyun.... and still hanging on even when baek wanted to push him away as kids. baek does sound like the overprotective girlfriend, but it's so cute ;; their friendship is the best forever. but baek. totally douchebag. i mean really, if even sehun and kai gave him /looks/ he himself would give... that's a sign. baek. you need to apologize to baby yeol.
Exolove #68
Channie is completely inlove with baekhyunnie <3
OO__OO idkwhy but when it comes to the Sad part i can feel the emotions lol OTL pls update!
Omg channie is suchh a good friend! He would
Be a good friend in real life too!!
Aww poor Chanyeol. Baekhyun better do something about it soon D: and its only going to get worse :/
Xandra #72
I will personally jump into this story and kick his if he hurts Yeollie anymore.
xxjenjaexx #73
bad bacon bad, dont make poor yeollie sad
Wow Baekhyun's a . Taking away Chanyeol's basketball pastime to selfishly keep him for himself :( he's trying to hog Chanyeol even though now he's trying for Jonghyun! I can't believe this kid!! And he's gonna use Chanyeol later in the story?! Not cool at all!!
ngo_tau77 #75
Sure Beakhyunnie's such a jealous girlfriend =))
Poor Chanyeollie too ~
grassland21 #76
You update so fast xDD~ I love u xD
And my Chanyeollie is so poor *sobs*
do you update every second or something? i love youuuuu
AKK. this is some seriously potentially awesome stuff I can tell you. I CAN'T BELIEVE I STUMBLED ON THIS YAY YOU!
Poor Channie!
Ahhh thank you all so much for your comments!! I love you all ^_^. i dont't want to give anything away but if you feel bad for Yeollie now, you might want to prepare yourselves for later chapters...~
zeeexoblueicy1 #81
it's only the first chapter, and hardly any baekyeol interaction has even gone on yet, but i feel so so bad for poor Chanyeol already! i love him :')
Poor channie being ignored!
Dotachin #83
please, don't do it with my baekyeol heart T__T~~ I feel so sad for Channie being ignored, but I liked Baek/Jong ottoke D:
Update soon ^^
I really love it so far. I can't wait to see the story progress and to read more chapters!
poor yeollie :(
poor chanyeol </3
letsfly01 #87
Jonghyun x Baekhyun is too cute! Haha, but Baekyeol is my OTP, so I'm excited to see where this will go :D