Comments: Dirty Little Secret

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yes I got confused too until I re-read that part again lmao
DAEHYUN WTF She's gonna stick and cling onto you again!
And woah I didn't know Mimi is THAT strong
ah, I send a round of applause to Woohyun's bunny aegyo. No one would be that brave to do something that would make them look ridiculous!
@ShadowYin: Nah, I don't pity DaeHyun at all. XD Kekekekeke...
DaeHyun:'re horrible.
I know~
Yes, Hoya is super epic. :) He shall be even more super epic later on in the story...^ ^
@xtelle: EunWoo is infinitely annoying! :D Well...kinda...XD Whether Hoya found out or not, you will have to see~ :) U-Kwon is an adorable kitty that we all love~ I know, that gif is too cute, I had to put it up. He looks so lost. XD
@Always2oclock: Yup, I would too if there was someone following me everywhere asking questions NONSTOP. WooKah are quite the interesting pair, yes? XD Your feeling is very right! Although there isn't much Hoya/MiHyun tension yet...
DaeHyun: I already gave you cookies last time!
*glares at DaeHyun*
DaeHyun: *grumbles and gives more cookies*
@spicea11347: Yes! Look how lost he is and is just like...oh...I guess I'll just go where everyone else is going...Yah, you should be glad I update at all...merong. I'm glad I haven't diverged from her personality yet. :) Yay~ I enjoyed the Bekah yelling "" bit. XD My friends do that sometimes when I attack is one determined little girl! She will persevere!
Hoya: Secret~
Omg...Eunwoo ^_^' Poor Daehyun for having to put up with it xD
Hoya~ Whoa! Really beginning to love his role in this >;] Really mysterious and unpredictable!
And Bekah is pretty awesome xD
xtelle #5
Eunwoo won't stop bugging Daehyun~ It even annoys Youngjae~ LOL!
OMG! Hoya! What will you do next? He already found out, right?
Aww~ Happy Birthday Kwonnie~ My lovely kitty~ <3
BTW, love the gif! Daehyun's so adorable~
Awww cute little DaeHyun! "I'll just, uh, follow them" lol
Hehehe I loved the update! Kept me waiting long enough lol
Well, you pinned Bekah perfectly. I would never want to impends such horrible doom on such a poor soul.... or would I? lol I love the fact that you have Bekah yell when WooHyun tries to help her lol
Aww poor EunWoo can't get close to DaeHyun. Just keep trying you naive little girl lol
Gasp! What a twist! Hoya do you realy like MiMi, or what?
I can't wait for the next update deary!
@xtelle: I figured I would make that a running gag in this. Why not? XD BYG is weak against JiEun~ :3 Hehehe, EunWoo is a very persuasive person, if you will. XD
@ViviB2UTY: I truly enjoy EunWoo. She's such a wonderful character and such an innocent troll. XD Thank you~ I hope you continue enjoying my twisted humor...
@ShadowYin: HimChan/Zelo = most childish members of B.A.P, of course they're adorable. XD EunWoo is awesome.
@Always2oclock: You're welcome~ thank YOU for creating such an awesome character. XD I fell in love with her at first glance. I was like...oh my gosh, this is exactly what DaeHyun needs. A GIRL THAT WON'T LEAVE HIM ALONE. XDDDD Zelo doesn't take to being questioned very well....:P Hahaha, I tease...always....:) But not that time. XD
@spicea11347: EunWoo is so much fun. XD She is exactly so. Naive, optimistic talkative girl. :P I have to pick on JongUp and his spacing out abilities...:P Not to mention HimChan picking on JongUp when he has no one else to pick on. XD Those questions...I do not know the answer to....
@BAPLOVER: Thank you~ your compliment is much appreciated~ I just hope I can write up to the expectations...JongUp is just too much fun to pick on...:)
@mysteriousshadow: *w* .... *Q* ...that is all.
@eiems_: Naw, I'm sorry you didn't make it, but as promised, I will be adding your character as a minor so stick around and continue commenting please~! Yes, EunWoo is quite the nuisance. XD I would be annoyed too if I were DaeHyun.
xtelle #8
Pwahaha! Jieun and her driving skills XD Bang can't even refuse XD
OMG! Eunwoo! She's so talkative, making Daehyun finally talk! LOL!
Lol EunWoo is too funny xD DAEHYUN-SSI~ DAEHYUN-SSI lol!
The chapter was too funny author-nim! :P KEEP UP THE FUNNY WORK!~ ^____^
Himchan and Zelo was so cute xD kekeke~
Eunwoo, omg xD Hilarious entrance ^_^'
Yongguk is an awesome leader~ kekeke~
Update soon~
Hehehe I love EunWoo. The little naive, talkative, girl, huh? She finally wore DaeHyun down lol I also love the way you have the group interact with each other - mainly when HimChan keeps smacking JongUp hehe And the fact he goes "Oh, my imagination talks"
I can't wait to see what you have in store for us deary. I'm curious, will Bekah ever meet B.A.P., and likewise, will EunWoo ever meet Infinite?
I love ur story! Keep up the good work! ;)
Lolzs it was so funny when Yongguk said that the should stop hitting Jongup or he'll get stupider! xD
Update soon~
since07 #14
HAHAHAHAHA love ittt! EunWoo is GREAT! omg i couldn't stop laughing! Poor Daehyun, I bet he was going crazy hearing the girl's questions hahahaah
congratulations to Always2oclock, you're lucky~~!!!!
@mysteriousshadow: Yesh, I really like Bekah, too. ^ ^ She is a troll. :) I'm sorry you weren't accepted, but if you stick around, I promise your character will have a spot in my story! Minor but important~ ^ ^
@angela3414: Wah, thanks! I'm glad you'll still be reading. Just as promise, I will have a spot for you in my story. Minor but important~ I hope you will continue to comment. I'll miss you if you don't...D:
@ViviB2UTY: Bekah is awesome. :) She's feisty and hot~ I ship YongGuk/JiEun so hard...if that wasn't obvious enough...I had to add the birthday thing. :P I'm glad you like it~ I hope not to disappoint in the future!
@ShadowYin: YongGuk/JiEun~ I love those two. You could say he knows because they've done it before...Yesh, Hoya is a ert. :P MWAHAHAHA! Hoya: You wound me. I'm more than your average ert~ *wiggles eyebrow*
@eiems_: If you hate that, I apologize. You will be hating me a lot. I love cliffhangers and making my readers squirm. SQUIRM, READERS, SQUIRM! MWAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAA. Bekah is very fierce. :P She's no pushover that is for sure.
@xtelle: Happy birthday, LeaderBang! ^ ^ Hehehehe~ More to that love triangle and YongEun couple to come! ^ ^
@Always2oclock: Yes, the teaser trailer is ing awesome! :D MiMi will be kicking Hoya's . :P I'm a teaser. :3 I can't help it~ But I appreciate your awesome comments> (See what I did there?) YongGuk: *takes present* Present for the Great Killer of Mato. As you should. *smacks* Be nice.
congrats spicea11347
HA! I really liked Bekah! Especially that part when she gave Myungsoo the present when Woohyun asked if she got something for her favorite boy!