Comments: Badass Oppas

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Chapter 15: I know, it's complicated.
Maybe Yeojin falls in love with Daehyun too especially if she knows, Daehyun has been protecting and caring about her but I doubt Yeojin will accept his feeling because they live under the same roof and they're like sibling. It will be more awkward if something happens. It's all too painful for Daehyun because he realized it.
Chapter 14: Oh My God.
It's really bad.
Why is it so coincidence?
Zico is just in senior high school but his attitude is bad.
And when he speaks, all of his words is rough.
All of them is blonde, you're surrounded by blonde boys Yeojin-ah.
Chapter 13: You're so cool Yeojin-ah.
You're Daebakkk.
Auwh Zico is too rough, he deserves for that.
Did he save Yeojin?? So what? He is rude.
Oh ow, Yongguk's girl??
Will it be worse?
He looked so interested with Yeojin.
Chapter 12: It's right.
Suddenly, he didn’t look so heroic after all.
For me, B.A.P is the best.
Don’t get your hands dirty because of one worthless guy.
This is not a defeat if you fight bad guys like that.
Chapter 8: Hahaha, It's funny.
I knew, vacuum sounds very noisy and that makes you crazy when you still sleepy.
I just knew if vacuum early in the morning when you live with 6 extraordinary boys, that would be bad.
Even Yongguk teached you how to sleep.
Chapter 7: Arghhh... Why do I always hate the cast of second girl?
It's getting annoy.
Hmm... At home, Daehyun doesn't take the mask off when there's Yeojin.
Why did he do that?? Maybe he doesn't want to show his handsome face to Yeojin because he's afraid yeojin will fall in love with him, could it be??? hihi
or there's something wrong at his face now. There must be reason.
Look! How happy he is when Yeojin's in his side.
Whose is that girl?? Jiyeon??
Chapter 6: I don't like her too Daehyun*high five with Daehyun* :D
That new girl Jiyeon, She's weird. I don't like how she stared Daehyun.
By the way, among those boys I think most normal is Jong Up.. He's nice, friendly, warm and soft. Eventhough Youngjae considered he's perfect in everything, Jong Up still perfect.
And the rest I doubt.
Chapter 5: Why did you do that, daehyun? It's complicated because you two live under one roof, so you decided to hide your feeling for her. Is it like that??
It's really torturing.
Chapter 4: Jiyeon stared Daehyun. Auwh It's so annoying, right Daehyun Oppa? Hihi
I'm getting confused author-nim, why did Youngjae say still when Yeojin said “I’m usually sitting here.”? Is she new student, isn't she? It's like she already has been school there a long time.
Chapter 3: It's exhausting around good-looking boys. Many girls will hate you but don't care, Oppas will protect you.
Jiyeon?? Uhm, will she be your close friend? Let's see!!
Chapter 2: He(Daehyun) always uses mask, why?? He's really quiet too. He always help you but you never know and he always care about you but you never know too.
He wants to protect you like a guardian angel without you know. Why does he want to do that? It's better if she knows but he doesn't.
You're really mysterious boy, Daehyun.
Chapter 80: This story was so sweet and funny!!!♥♡
Chapter 1: Her life is really hard.
That guys really scare especially Himchan.
She is more mature than her age, like their mother, huh?? Cleaning all the mess and cooking for them. You're great, Yeojin.
gerelf #14
i really really like your story <3
Wah wah wah, she is surrounded by badass oppas. Cool!!!
Chapter 80: Yay, it turned out so well. I love it! ^_^
Sweetypie #17
Omg I love this story!
Please accept my friend request author-nim , I really want to read the sequel ! But it's listed as only friends :(
Chapter 80: Omg KAI!!!
PearlxXxRen #20
Chapter 14: Daehyun is too kewt >~<