Comments: The Warrior

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Chapter 11: OMO!
Chapter 11: oh my gosshhhhh
Cilipadi #3
Chapter 11: Pls don't let Kris turns out to be Jun's son and pls keep Joy safe.....I want Sehun to come and save Sangju from the evil Jun...
funkyoilee #4
Chapter 11: oh my. I hope joy is okay & not hurt herself, what's wrong with you Jun? i hope Irene is okay & remember what happened to her.
ninieSkyeVIP #5
Chapter 11: As much as i want her to remember back their old memories but i think she will not remember it in such a short perios cuz the story line will escalate to fast hehehehe but this is a good story btw im digging it. i also recommend this story to a few friends too.
littlediam #6
Chapter 11: The details...i love stories with meaningful details. You have a great writing style too. Keep it up cant wait for what's next. Awesome Job dear
77_malou_b #7
Chapter 11: OMG, could Kris be the son of Jun?
Spectrum_Gurlz #8
Chapter 11: I love historical fanfic so much especially oc x exo hehehe so hard to find btw i love possessive sehun hehehe
oppaarrr #9
Chapter 11: So hana was prob one of silla's people or smth like that. I just hope won wont be stupid and join silla side to take back irene tbh.

I freakin love this story ?
sideswipe #10
Chapter 11: Cannot wait when Irene remember Sehun and geting the bottom of this story...tho I will be very sad when it is putting me on edge everytime with the cliff hanger! Hehe
Chapter 11: this is getting heated. I really hope that Irene would remember before Jun actually sees her because then she could really kick .
Chapter 11: Omg!!!! Is it like this that just like Sehun, Kris is also a hidden Prince? (0_0 ) ....wooahhhh!!!! Is it really like that?
btsxexo #13
Chapter 11: OMg omg... was Hana an ex-lover? So is Kris somehow related to Irene? Was it fate that brought Hana and Irene together?
WeWantSugasSwagHere #14
Pls update soon author nim and thank you so much !!!!
bubzsy #15
Chapter 11: wahh.. so hana could be related to irene (an aunt maybe?) ... omg.. can't wait for the next.
sikari #16
Chapter 11: I got curious what gonna happen next when you updated. Great job !
layjongyang #17
Chapter 11: Don't tell me we have another secret royalty in plain sight? That makes this plots thickens even more
Beauty_xoxo #18
Chapter 10: Sehun acts tough on the outside but he's always haunted by nightmare
Chapter 10: its just so sad when irene forgot who sehun is.
Chapter 10: Aaawwwwwwwnnnnn I cannot do dis anymore..... I would be crying if I'm not a robot incapable of emotions.