Comments: The Real Beauty

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Chapter 12: this fic is way too good authernim...keep it up... :-D
_maknaetrash #2
Chapter 12: Ok this chapter did turned out better as you wished hehe. Now i wonder how will jungkook resolve this problem with Sori. Im sorry but jungkook deserve this treatment after what he did to sori so happy suffering jungkook lol. Thanks for the update !
Chapter 12: Omg! Omg! I need more of this. This is so nice.
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Wowowo so I read chapter 11 and 12 at ounce !! Loved the training part ... lmao poor taeil he’s a cutie ^^
Also kook is starting to be a better person !! I hope he keep it that way. Sori is right to keep a distance after what he did to her. I wouldn’t forgive that easily either.... also omg I can’t wait for her to go to the doctor !! Girl !!! When are u going to get a check up ? this is killing me seriously lmao
Anyway it’s great ! Thank you for the update !
** i retaped the comment cause too many errors
Chapter 12: Loved it
Luckychicken101 #6
Chapter 12: OMG that last line, hit me.
salawati #7
Chapter 12: To be honest, I really love your story, and cant wait for the next chapter...
This is creepy and I'm a little bit uneasy right now
Chapter 11: This story is so interesting like seriously sometimes it hurts my little heart ;'( I'm looking forward to your next updates tehehe
_maknaetrash #10
Chapter 11: nooooo you are doing great with the story and the poster is so pretty !!
Chapter 11: your chapter was great,you're doing great ^^
can't wait for your next update :)
Chapter 11: I love this story but i am tired of Sori n JK. Atp i am just annoyed by their relationship. This Push n pull game is frustrating me to no end and idek anymore if i want them to be together :(

Also the posters are great so is this fic don't say it :)
Luckychicken101 #13
Chapter 11: The poster is wonderful!! I also really enjoy this chapter a lot since Sori is so strong!!
I'm happy for her bravery and courageous act in getting stronger, although she has her negative spirals
it's uplifting <3
Chapter 11: The poster is cute and this chapter is great love the BlockB members<3
And I can’t wait to know what’s special with Sori that Jiho said before ...
Chapter 10: OH NUUU DON'T CALL YOUR CHAPTERS USELESS!! NOO! THIS STORY IS AMAZING IM GIVING IT AN UPVOTE! Also, fighting on your translations! Ive been really entranced by this story and am so excited to see how the plot will develop in further chapters!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH AND STAY HEALTHY AND HAPPY!! : D
Chapter 10: Yeeeeeah just read the last chapter ! Jiho totally know what's going on omg ! I wonder if he's going to talk to her !!
Also why i have the feeling that sori exaggerates when she say that she's fat ?? she's probably just isn't super skinny but feel super conscious about her body... feel so bad about that :( I hope she kick some during the training and gains some confidence !
Anyway thank you ! Good luck with your others projects, i will keep waiting patiently for updates :)
Chapter 10: I just found this story and I am in love with your story line and pace. Even I have tension and anger towards Jungkook actions, like with all the chances Sori has given, they were broken and tossed away. Surprised by that easy invitation from EXO they sound like an easygoing pack compared to the tension Sori has been feeling in BTS. It's a great contrast to at least give Sori some happiness she deserves. But what is this special Jiho is talking about? If everyone senses it and not her, what really is it? I can't wait for future updates and keep up the amazing work!!:))
Luckychicken101 #18
Chapter 10: This is impressive and I really value how you wrote this chapter!! So don't bash yourself up for it. To me, I respect
the fact you picked quality over quantity. I also wanted to point out how it is nice to have Sori being strong, independent and
amazing!! (Having some chapter of Jungkook being not in it, is very important for your development.) so cheers to you and your hard work
I love it a lot.
P.S. You can ever put bonuses/ exerts of his pov on what is happening when she is gone to EXO too.
You can use it to your advantage for that reason too <3
Chapter 10: loved it
Chapter 10: Baek and Suho <3