Comments: kidult graphics ↦ slots closing tomorrow

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tapiocapearls #1
hello, i've requested for a poster!
looking forward to seeing the work. : )
Hello, I have requested for a poster and a VIP status :)
Julieelf #3
Hello, I've requested and I want VIP status! ^^
I'm not really sure if my description is detail enough but feel free to ask me any question if you want something to be more detail :D
Hello~ I requested and btw I really love all the posters from this shop!!~
Chapter 80: I've picked up the graphics! OMG YOU'RE SO FAST! Like, I literally just requested a few hours ago and you already finished it! Awesome! And your graphics are really beautiful! They totally exceeded my expectations! These are really pretty <3 It really fits the story and I can see the angst >.< I love how you blends everything and the flowers make it even more angsty I really love it! Thank you so much! I'll definitely request again in the future!
Blogpost link:
Hi, I've requested!
Hello, I have requested :) Also, I want VIP status!
Chapter 29: Do you accept requests for drafted stories? ^^
Chapter 44: i wonder why i didn't see this before. this poster is great. Just by seeing it, it hooks you into reading the story. you really are talented ^^
Chapter 53: Hello thereeeeee! Im here to pick up mine :D I know it's super duper late. I was really busy and thank you for not blacklisted me yet (╥﹏╥)

BTW! I REALLY LOVE THE POSTER ♡♡♡ it is much better than what I expected. I thought it would be pretty simple but this edit has touched my hearteu (´∀`)♡ I really appreciate it a lot, sincerely from the bottom of my hearteu ♡♡ next time I will try to pick again in time. Thankyouuu so much again!! You are the best! (。・ω・。)ノ♡ I already credit you! Thankies ♡♡
Chapter 74: The blend and glitch effect tho. Beautiful as always!???❤❤❤
Chapter 73: Hi, I'm here to pick up the poster! ^^ Thank you so much for taking my request again and making this beautiful poster. I really like it. The photos you used and the way you put them together. I can see Luhan's head clearly XD Thanks once again. Here the second blogpost I made:
Chapter 77: Hi, here to pick up! Thank you for this poster and DP.
Already posted a blog for you. :)
Definitely going to request you again for my other stories.
Thank you!
Chapter 75: Hi there!
I just saw my poster! I was wondering if it's possible for me to get a redo? The poster didn't exactly matched my story but it looks great! I really want to use it but I just don't get the "story feels" from it. If I'm not able to get a redo, I'll just use the poster! I'm really sorry! T^T
Sent a request and I want VIP status!
Chapter 74: Omo, it's so pretty!! I love the picture of Eunji in the poster. She is looking soo beautiful. It really captures the story well. Thanks and I will be crediting and making the blog post later today
Hi, I just submitted new request and would like VIP status.
Thank you! :)