Comments: Shards of Us

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Changeol #1
Chapter 17: oh god why are they all like this? ahsjsksksislsak
Chapter 17: Where's Baekhyun??? :(
yukinaruse #3
Chapter 17: Dumbness level sehun ,even if he made that decision he should have told her the truth or told her he wants to go away not that he loves somebody else and is cheating that (speaking from experience) must have not only broke her heart but her soul and esteem as well cause when you're with someone whom says they love you and then suddenly cheat makes you think he got to know you and saw how useless , bad or undeserving of their love you are and that is sooo painful , he made her go through all this and still see he can have her and with a child excuse me HIS child died and his answer is I'm sorry c'mon man you can't be serious !
I decided I want her to end up with Kai he's the only one whom treats her right pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Btw thanks for the update
Chapter 17: That's it. I want Sehun. No matter what the hell Baek does, it needs to be Sehun. God pls find me one Sehun.....
Chapter 17: I knew it. Im officially on Team Sehun author nim.. as much as i love Baek, i hope Sehun and Hana ends up together, he loves her so much
Chapter 17: oh gosh sehun was so stupid. And i really don't know why Hana can't leave alone tho? Ehy must she live with sehun? It's weird
Chapter 17: GOSH THE CIRCUMSTANCE is complicated. but it's still not fair for hana, she didn't get to choose anything. they all choose for her and let her receive the aftermath. not good man, honesty is the most appreciated in this house.
Chapter 17: If this was the reason he would have explained it to hana so she could understand and not make things complicated
Chapter 17: I know im weird but I want her to be with Baekhyun XD
Chapter 17: Yet the most hurted person in this tangled relationship is Hana. She was broken hearted, left by her boyfriend she loved dearly and pregnant with his child, she started to revenge on her crushed heart which also ruined her...
Those excuses are not worth her pain, Sehun..
And now she's got pregnant again with the man who has been hurting her too... Not to mention plus the mistress that stressed her so much.
By wanting to help Baekhyun be recognized, you 'sold' hana...

Do you see that, Sehun?
Yet you are acting like those are nothing.. It pains my heart...
You could just tell her everything, that's if you really love her tough...

I'm currently rooting for no one
Chapter 17: Thatttssss lameeeeee!!!! He should have just told her!!! All these years with pain of being cheated on!!!! He could have saved her from that hell atleast!
Chapter 17: Now if only he explains this then Hana would understand but if he keeps to himself, he is just digging his own grave. :)
Chapter 17: team sehun plzzzzzz... he is so sweet
Bbhfever #14
Chapter 17: That’s why he left her?? Not the reason why he didn’t return to her?
Chapter 17: Hokayy, im not expecting that.
halforblack #16
Chapter 17: I want Sehun to tell the truth to Hana and protect her from the stupid Baekhyun x_x
Gracegesang #17
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: sooo that's the reason why he left hana. Sehun is such a good friend. But I hope Hana will understand. I like Sehun more for Hana.
Chapter 17: Awwwww sebunnie ?????? I hope he gets to explain