Comments: I Think I Saw Love

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chocolove123 #1
you really like to tease, don't you? :p come out come out jonghyun, wherever you are!
ivuwrjo;cfucjeri mannnnn cliff hanger gosh jjong u better have a good, a* worthy explanation for ur disappearing act <3 update soon
Aww... I felt so bad for Key... The ending was such a cliffhanger though, please update soon~! <3
Agr you always stop your charters on the moment when something is about to happen or something like that. UPDATE UPDATE. I bet jonghyun is back after two weeks...
Update soon. :D
Reply to keyjeog; Yes Yes it did, I also had the same reaction(;

The stroy is so nice, when i read the last part i was like "ghawdh, Dun' Dun Dun'"
keyjeog #7
why did Jonghyun leave like this ;o;

but the kiss made me spazz more than SHINee's comeback stage lol
supershinee4 #8
Why is jonghyun leaving !!!!!
There's a reason or what !!

Jonghyun : I hate you :') !
Just stay with him Pabo..

Unnie plz update soon :( !
Jsjvsisjavahshdikdndidj wat the hell is happening in so confuse ahhh jjong why are u leaving do you seriously want me to die huh well good job cuz I'm dying of fluff and semi confusion here Ahh update soon
Shawoltic97 #10
Why did he leave O.o
luhans-vaqina #11
Poor Bummie... TT^TT
youthrules #12
Why's Jjong leaving? :(
I'm dying here!!! So much suspense!!!! Arg!!!!! Why did you leave? )':
xPebble #14
Hehe not yet! <3
Hehehe I think Jonghyun is too cheesy, but i like cake~
There's a possibility~
Baiahuaisnsisbsjdijdbsuavaud OMG ur goin to kill me ahhhhhh I want to know what happened this is too much ahssbwhauysvquaic I can't handle it ahidjsiskbsjaisbisj to much anticipation update soon pretty please
youthrules #18
Oh! Come on! Time to be Jongkey!!!!!' yayyyy!!