Comments: "Yes, Ma'am!"

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Chapter 32: Ugghhhh, I hope Jongdae doesn't revert back to his ways just bc Yeonri accepted Minho's confession. He probably won't since he confirmed to quit the gang and thought about doing so before Yeonri.

Is it me or something else because my heart breakss a little when Jongdae calls her ma'am?
Fluffoutprincess #2
Chapter 32: more heartbreaks, well Jongdae's life isn't going to be less exciting anytime soon it seems and Jongin outright admitted it! lol
Chapter 32: Whyyyyyy whyyyyyyyyyyyyy TT
Chapter 32: Oh yeonri....idk why u should tell jongdae about you finally get tgt with minho but im on jongdae's side :(
anuska02 #5
Chapter 29: Who unupvoted? WHO??? *cracks nuckles*
This story is awesome, AWESOME!
And the character development... *sobs* So good.
Chapter 2: Late AF but just getting around to catching up on this story...

And dayummm Yeonri! I wish I were that cool LOL Rebellious Xiumin just kills me, though, he thinks he's being so cool throwing a stuffed plushy :')
1301 streak #7
Chapter 31: Oh, Yeonri. We can all see that you're jealous of Minji, no need to hide it.
This story deserves more upvotes tbh readers what r u doing
Chapter 31: Hahahaha, I love that Yeonri is showing her jealousy, lol.. can't wait to see more of that!
dawnxiamara #10
Chapter 31: I just can't believe a teacher can do such a thing but, when you're in love, everything is possible.
ilovekorea37 #11
Chapter 31: So true
Chapter 31: Seriously, how do you manage to update SO OFTEN?! O.o not that i'm complaining, but... XD

Alright yeonri, how are you going to explain that, hmm...? ;)

Also my guess so far: Jongdae is actually Joonmyeon's brother or halfbrother or at least somehow connected to his family resp. I'm suspecting that's where his "special connection" goes through... XP
Smaski #13
Chapter 31: so this is basically a chapter where yeonri lies to everyone including herself lol. I'm still amazed at your lightning updates. Thank you! you are so diligent! I'm exhausted just typing a short comment. Now i need a nap lol.
Chapter 31: I think it would be appropriate to say that heart never lies. I'm scared either Jongdae or Yeonri will misunderstood something later on if this continues.

And the urge to just push them together is so strong ugh.
1301 streak #15
Chapter 30: I don't think making the person you like jealous is a good thing to do, it could lead to misunderstandings and regrets.
Chapter 31: omg YEONRI WAS TOTALLY JEALOUS HHAHAHAHA and i want to see the jongin x heejung x xiumin love line too isbdnwnxkanls thank you for the update!!
Chapter 31: YEONRI YOU GO GIRL!!!
halfprince #18
Chapter 31: was it a jealousy I see?? XD