Comments: Hate You, Kwon Jiyong

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aigoo when Dara's finally relaxed with the rest of them and they're all happy traveling and visiting all these different places that Yamaguchi person had to ruin it :/ it's so creepy how he knew where they were and even sent flowers to Dara. then again he is of stalker status, so scary.
@celinema and everyone else! I don't exactly have a twitter account, as I don't ever log on and essentially ignore it, but I am on tumblr! is my url ;)
Oh wow! Thanks for sharing all this stuff! I was actually hoping for more daragon moments. Maybe in the next chap? It'll only be the two of them anyway on their next trip. Next stop, Istanbul! =) But oh my! That creep Yamaguchi sent her flowers! It would have been lovely if it wasn't from him. Yikes! That creep's giving me goosebumps! Anyway, see you next chap! Btw, do you have a twitter account? It'll be nice to see you there too! ^_^
I want to go to Paris and go to the places you mentioned! I surely will study the language this summer! Lol, it sounds so suave and all! Speaking of Suave. Why does it have to be my ever so loving and god fearing Siwon be the antagonist? Aigoo.. Can you change it to Minho? Hahahaha. <br />
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Sweet chapter doll! (;
Thank you for taking us to Paris through this chapter. =)) So many people are after Dara already because of Jiyong. At least he learned his lesson to stay nice to Dara so she could keep her safe, hiding his feelings and pushing her away is is a no-no if she wants her safe. And I love the 'pour mon ange' bracelet! So sweet! They should bring home some macarons! keke
even i was fooled by Jiyeon in this chapter LOL XD i mean even though i know she's part of the enemy's side, the way she acts towards Dara certainly wasn't how an enemy would act towards a victim but then again she was just playing her part. well at least now Dara went back to Jiyong. however it seems like the trouble is just getting started. in addition to me enjoying the story i'm even learning a little bit of French as well, although i'm probably pronouncing the words wrong hehe.
new characters, Donghae and T-ara are added into the mix. so Dara hanging out with T-ara is bad news. aigoo if Jiyong would just tell her who to stay away from then things would be so much easier, like i know he doesn't want to worry her but it would be much safer that way. now he's acting like the jerk he was before to drive her away because he thinks that's what's best for her. aigoo, well it worked since Dara left him to hang out with the enemies who she is oblivious about.
i love how Chaerin is when she's with Dara. looks like it's not just Jiyong that Dara has changed but also Chaerin. sure she has this scary and intimidating aura about her but when she's with Dara she has a mellow but also bright personality. looks like she's on Team Jiyong when it comes to who ends up with Dara hehe^^
Yep Baby!! Seungri's Alive baby!!! He's strong like that!! I know for a fact that Drama is surely about to come *Drum roll* since like.. Jiyong knows that they are already together and he himself is falling for Her!! <br />
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Who would she choose?? (; <br />
ChaeRa moments are daebak!!!
I love this story! I especially enjoy the progression of Jiyong's feelings for Dara, and I hope Dara realizes that the feelings Jiyong gives her are once in a lifetime. I also really enjoyed the chaera chapter! If I didn't already ship daragon I would probably ship chaera... Chaerin is Dara's husband after all. I wonder...will Tam Tam be making an appearance? I hope so :D
Whoa. Multiple updates! Kamsahamnida! *bows* Hallelujah! Seungri's alive! I guess the whole Seungri's almost death scenario brought our daragon couple closer so it's all good. But then, our poor Jiyong got sad and angry about Dara and Seungri's relationship. I know he won't give up without a fight, after all, he's not called G-Dragon for nothing! Team Jiyong all the way! I'm so happy that Dara earned a new friend! Yay! Love the ChaeRa date. Thanks for appreciating our comments =) Keep on writing! <3
WAHHH!! CHAERA MOMENTS!!! i love these two girls, completely opposites but they got along really well, i hope dara would find her first bestfriend here. the dragon tat seems to jiyong, maybe cl had hidden desires for gd well, i think ririn would be better, ahahah update soon ^^
it's nice that Dara has Chaerin to hang out with. they're getting along pretty well too :) as much as i like DaRi and as much as i love DaraGon, ChaeRa holds a bigger part of my heart hehe^^ hubby Chaerin and wifey Dara are bonding in this story :) haha. all that's missing is their TamTam LOL jk.
Put your hands up in the air for the one and only CL !!!
yeah ten thumbs up for C to the L!!! hhahaha<br />
i agree to her all is fair in love and war!!!<br />
go jiyong!! fight for her!!!<br />
thanks for the update ^^
Thx seungri alive.. But I'm waiting for daragon!
i'm happy that Seungri's not dead and that he had his sweet moment with Dara and all but i am still all for DaraGon in this story. hehe^^ although i don't mind DaRi moments, hwaiting Jiyong!~ i do find a jealous Jiyong highly amusing and kinda cute&funny.
Yes !!! *rolls on the floor*
YEY!!!!! (throws confetti) seungri is alive!! alive!!! ALIVE!!!<br />
but i will feel sorry for jiyong, this time around i think he will give everything,i mean EVERYTHING to seungri, aisht i wish for more daragon moments though T_T
what?? you freaking let me down for no specific reason?? <br />
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how could you?!!!!! <br />
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but... <br />
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Hooray!! he's Alive!! * singing alive by jun.k * <br />
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