Comments: Not So Dense After All

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Chapter 31: sacrifice me instead im willing a;fkdfk
Chapter 31: Taker, huh? I wonder who it is gonna be :/
mryogurt #3
Chapter 31: Oh god ma heart, a size of a fist, it could only take such sorrow. Hope there’s like an anti-taker solution. A Joohyun without a Seulgi seems not right.
assej7IM #4
Chapter 31: Sacrifice akskfjahahjajckaakjfkaka. Just a mild angst, if there is. Pleeaaase.
the poster is so adorable ;;
Chapter 31: Bless your soul for this update and even after the bug moment with Momo and everything you still are managing to build up to an even bigger seriously I love this story and your writing. Keep it up and stay awesome!!!
Chapter 31: Omgyhad, I think I need to ready myself for some angst? Btw, welcooome back ^^
future_mrs_liu #8
Chapter 31: Wow. Seulgi so brave now.
chocoxxpie #9
Chapter 4: i love how innocent seulgi is in the first few chapters :)
Chapter 31: Don't you dare to turn this into angst :<
Chapter 31: iM scArEd
Chapter 31: omg I can feel this mess coming
Chapter 31: seulgi no you dumb bear what the are you doing tELL HER
alexyoong #14
Chapter 28: This is absolutely creative!
Chapter 31: woah seems that Seul need to discover a new power or something to fight with that taker
alexyoong #16
Chapter 20: I swear, Park Sooyoung deserves an oscar!!!
I'm a wenrene shipper. But I'll try this one out. Time to explore other otp's in red velvet hahahaha