Secret Call

My Bodyguard Princess

"You say what? The person who captured Ddong-ha and the princes is Chanyeol-gun?" Byul shrieked.

Eunhyuk covered and shushed her, looking here and there. "Don't." he hissed. "All the guards and maids in the main Palace where the King and Queen resides, are already bought over by Lord Park. The ministers too. The King and Queen don't know what has happened."

Suho shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe Chanyeol would do something like that." he murmured in shock. "This is a complete shocker. And how can the King and Queen not know?"

"It's entirely possible seeing how big the Palace is." Eunhyuk reminded. "When Jeonha goes to the Main Hall for lunch with his parents he needs fifteen minutes of walking time. The attack at Jeonha's quarters had not alerted any of the King's loyal men. And the other guards around were already paid by Lord Park."

"But why?" Byul shook her head in disbelief. "I don't understand. Chanyeol-gun? He's the last person I expected!" she cried out.

Byul and Suho had escaped to the tool's hut at the backyard and waited for the invaders to go away. Once clear, the two of them ran all the way to the servants lodging to look for Eunhyuk, hiding in the bushes till he arrived.

The servants and maids were acting very strange indeed, all of them talking in hushed whispers. Eunhyuk arrived and was immediately greeted by Byul and Suho, where they whisked him off to the tool's hut once again to talk.

Eunhyuk looked at Byul regretfully. "I think I have an idea why he's doing this...but I'm really not too sure." he admitted.

"WHY?" Both Byul and Suho looked at him eagerly. Eunyuk bit his lip. "Don't you see? Chanyeol-gun is Jeonha's cousin." he explained. "If Jeonha passes away, the next person to succeed the throne would have to be Chanyeol-gun since the Byun family does not have any other male descendents."

Suho and Byul took it in slowly. "You mean....for the throne?" Byul whispered in disbelief.

Suho shook his head persistently. "Nononono..." he gulped. "I know Chanyeol. He won't do that for the throne. He's not like that. He detests attention and doesn't really like power. Why would he go to such lengths to get them anyway?"

Eunhyuk looked at the ground. He kind of had another reasoning why Chanyeol did it anyway. Men grew crazy for two things. Their career...and women. If Chanyeol didn't want the throne for the power it gave him, it had to be the latter.

Eunhyuk looked at his best friend. And he didn't had the heart to break it to her either.

Byul clutched Eunhyuk's hand. "What about Ddong-ha?" she asked anxiously. "Do you know where they have kept Ddong-ha and the princes captive? What are they going to do to them?"

Eunhyuk swallowed. "The plan is to kill them of course." he murmured. "But I don't think it'd be too soon since by Lord Park's character, he'd want to gloat and enjoy the torture before the final kill. He has them captive at one of the deserted farms in the city. Called Jushinjong farming."

He eyed Byul. "Dont tell me you're going there to save your beloved, Byul. It's freaking dangerous!" he warned.

Byul shook her head. "Then what do I do? I have to do something about it!" she shrieked. "The maids won't let me near the Main Hall and I can't get to the King and the Queen! I have to save him, oppa, please help me.." she begged.

Suho and Eunhyuk met eyes and they sighed. Baekhyun meant as much to Byul as she did to him. If one of them died, it'd mean both did. "I'll go with you then." Eunhyuk relented. "But we won't try to get them out because it's too dangerous. It's just for you to check up on him and ask for what to do next. He's the Jeonha, he'll know."

"I'll snoop around and see if the other maids and servants know anything." Suho offered. He looked at them. "Be safe, guys. Be safe."




And in the next hour, Eunhyuk and Byul were climbing the rooftops carefully, jumping from house to house as they made their way towards the Jushinjong Farming centre. They were dressed head to toe in black and had black masks on their faces so that they could melt into the dark background.

"There it is." Eunhyuk pointed at a building in the distance. IT was just a normal farming house but now it was brightly lit and had had a great number of guards circling it. It was extremely suspicious.

"So I'll try the roof." Byul whispered to Eunhyuk after they stood there for a while, scrutinizing the farm house and devising the plans after noticing any available loopholes. "You stay on the roof and keep a look out. If you hear or see anything, just meow like a cat and I'll know my time is up."

Eunhyuk nodded. This was easy enough.

"But are you sure you're going to be okay?" he asked worriedly.

Byul nodded and squeezed his hand. "Look. There's a gap there between the wall and the roof." she pointed. "I can handle that just fine. You know I can." she looked at him. "You stay on the roof and get the bird's eye view, oppa. I've got to check up on them and get instructions from Ddong-ha on what's the next move."

Eunhyuk nodded and squeezed her hand back. "Be careful."

Byul took a few steps back and narrowed her eyes at the farm house's roof. She took a deep breath and began running on tiptoes, gathering speed until....she hopped off one roof and landed on the roof of the farmhouse with barely a sound heard. It was such a soft landing that the guards below didn't hear anything.

Byul looked back at Eunhyuk and signalled a good sign. She crawled over to the gap between the walls and the roof and peeked in. The original stables and compartments meant for horses and chickens were now keeping the princes. They were all tied to the walls and were kept far away from each other, blindfolded and gagged.

Her heart cringed at the sight. How could Chanyeol do this to them?

Byul stayed still for one minute, listening to the signs of the guards. From what she saw, they didn't go into the farmhouse but were keeping a lookout on the outside. Reassured, Byul climbed into the gap, fitting just nicely. She eyed a stack of hay at the corner and hurled herself at it, landing softly with a thud.

It seemed fate had arranged for Baekhyun to be placed the nearest to the wall she came in from, and he perked up at the sound. His brows furrowed and he swiveled his ears, trying to hear. His fists were clenched and he growled under his breath, not knowing who the intruder was.

Byul quickly ran to him and touched his arm. Baekhyun flinched and jerked away, growling louder. Byul couldn't help but feel the pain that shot through her heart when he did that, even though it only happened because he didn't know who she was.

Byul quickly pushed his blindfold above his eyes and Baekhyun squinted, not attuned to light. But the first thing he saw was Byul, and his eyes rounded and widened against the pain of the light. Byul could see he wanted to exclaim and she removed his gag, covering his mouth with her hand. "Shh."

Baekhyun looked at her in surprise, gulping. "Eunbyul." he whispered when Byul finally took away her hand. "What are you doing here?" he asked, agitated. "Didn't I ask Suho hyung to get you away, safe? Didn't he do that? Where the hell is that bastar-"

"Baekhyun." Her use of his name shut up off. He looked at her, breathing hard. "Suho-gun's in the Palace right now, getting news. Eunhyuk oppa's out there standing guard. Did you know the person who had captured you guys is-"

"Yeol." Baekhyun spat. "Yes I know."

Byul's eyes rounded. "You do?" she gasped. "But why? I don't believe he wanted the throne! I can't believe..." she gaped at him.

Baekhyun leaned forward and buried his face in her neck, inhaling hard. He desperately wanted to take her in his arms but his were tied up behind him. "You're dense Eunbyul, but that guy loves you. He and I, we were vying for your affections. We made a pack to be nice about it if we weren't the one you chose."

"Chanyeol-gun likes me?" Byul squeaked.

"Yes he does." Baekhyun nodded. "But he gave us his blessings and I thought everything was alright again. But now he's capturing me for one goal only, Byul. He's trying to get the throne, and at the same time, he's going to get you." he looked at her. "I want you to stay safe, okay baby? Don't even think about doing anything as dangerous as this."

"But if the thing that Chanyeol-gun's after is me, don't you think it's better if I-"

"DOn't you think about sacrificing yourself either." Baekhyun bit out in a low growl. "This throne is mine to guard, Eunbyul. I can't let my girl guard it for me, this is my responsibility. I want to protect you, Eunbyul."

Byul softened. She understood men's pride and this was what Baekhyun had to do, not her. "Arraso." she whispered. "But what now? What do we do now?"

"Can't you contact Pyeha?" Baekhyun asked urgently. "Get his troops or anything?"

Byul shook her head. "The place is guarded, Baekhyun. We can't get in no matter what. The King and Queen still doesn't know what is happening, but Eunhyuk tells me that there's been orders sent that Lord Park is going to capture them tomorrow."

Baekhyun's blood ran cold. Oh no. "THen we have to turn to other sources of help." Baekhyun whispered. He thought for a bit, his brows furrowed. "Oh!" he brightened. "Japan. Send a letter to Japan."

When Byul looked at him questioningly, he explained. "The EXO-M princes are in Japan right now. Just our luck." he almost looked like he was smiling. "Get someone to take a ferry to get a letter to Japan, asking for their help. If I'm not wrong they should be there right now." he told her. "The trip there takes six hours so it should give us twelve hours mininum for help to get here."

"Arraso. I'll do it right away." Byul whispered. She looked at Baekhyun up and down, scanning him. She noticed a few red marks protruding under his robe and tugged at his neckline. "Eunbyul!" Baekhyun shook his head.

Byul ignored him and pulled. Her face was one of utter horror. They whipped him. They whipped her Baekhyun.

"Oh my gosh." Byul felt tears gathering at her eyes. "I can't believe..."

"Eunbyul." Baekhyun commanded her attention with his voice only and dreadfully wanted to hug her. "It's nothing." he assured. "Just make sure you get someone to send that letter to EXO-M okay?" he asked. "The country's counting on you."

Byul nodded tearfully.

"And for my personal favor." Baekhyun buried his face in her hair as she hugged him. "Please don't get hurt, please."

"I won't." Byul turned to him. Their eyes met and they leaned towards each other. Their lips met for the slightest moment when there was an awkward squawking that was supposed to be some sort of cat. Baekhyun pulled away and frowned. "What the.."

Byul's eyes widened. She looked up and saw Eunhyuk's head popping through the gap. "MEOWWWW!!!"

"I have to go." Byul kissed Baekhyun on the lips once and pulled the blindfold down again. She stuffed the gag in his mouth and looked back at him. "Stay strong Baekhyun." she whispered.

She climbed up the wall with the rope Eunhyuk dropped. She looked back at Baekhyun and felt her heart cringe at the sight of him, haggard and suffering. She was going to save him.

In an instant, she was gone and no one knew she even visited, besides the rapid buzz of Baekhyun's heart that reacted to her touch.




Hey I'm back :)

I guess some of you didn't read my letter to you guys I posted the last chapter. It was a letter plus my informing you guys that I was going overseas. I'm now back. YAY.

Anyway, I just really wanted to thank you guys for all the support here, in case you guys don't read my blog.

Imagine my surprise when I saw that I won the Author of the Year awards when I came back from my trip! Oh my goodness. And not only that, but Story of the Year and also Best Original Character Byul from My Bodyguard Princess! Our dear Byul~~ LE FAINTS. Where did you guys get all this info anyway!

I never expected any of this and just...THANK YOU. I can't thank you guys enough.

Thank you for all your support through these days and I will continue writing more and hopefully, better stories.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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960 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
960 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.