Date in the City

My Bodyguard Princess

Chanyeol waited outside his father's room until Lee left. He loved his father enough not to embarrass him in front of his right hand man.

Lee left and was startled to see Chanyeol. He bowed at the prince and smiled, excusing himself and left.

Chanyeol took a deep breath and knocked at the door. "Abeoji."

Lord Park looked surprised to see Chanyeol. "Oh Chan. I thought you went riding with Kyungsoo?" he inquired.

Chanyeol swallowed hard. "Yeah I did. I just returned." he muttered. He moved nearer to his father, wondering how he was supposed to approach the subject.

"So why are you here then?" Lord Park asked. "Shouldn't you be studying more of your literature? You're not as good as Baekhyun in that area Chan. That's not good." his father muttered while reading a letter.

"And why don't you go talk to the military minister to talk about defense strategies?" Lord Park suggested. "You're only good at fighting but Baekhyun's good at planning for war. He had a part in saving our country in the previous war and he was only seven or eight that time it happened."

Chanyeol took another step nearer to get his father's attention. "Abeoji," he cut in. "I want to talk to you about something."

Lord Park set his letter down and looked at his son. "Yes? What is it?" he asked. "Make it quick or you can talk to your mother about it. I think she would be a better choice."

"Abeoji." Chanyeol said again, this time more forcefully. "I heard. You were the one behind the assassin attack on Baekhyun hyung. AND the cyanide poisoning incident that almost killed Byul."

A pin drop silence surfaced there after. Father and son stared at each other. Disbelief, confusion, anxiety.

Finally, Lord Park spoke. "So you found out."

Chanyeol felt his blood boil. "So you found out?" he demanded. "That's all you have to say? You're trying to kill Baekhyun hyung. My cousin! The king is your cousin. Baekhyun is your nephew! Why the hell are you doing this?" he cursed.

Lord Park raised a hand to silence his son. "Stop." he snapped. "I'm doing this for you Chan. In case you haven't realized."

"Me? How is killing my hyung off something a parent would do for me? Does Omonim know about this?" Chanyeol demanded, trembling.

"She helped me plan, Chan." Lord Park looked at his son. "I know this is difficult to comprehend but will you just see things from our point. You are royalty, Chan. But you're stuck as a mere prince and nothing is given to you."

He frowned as he talked. "If my father hadn't been dethroned, I would have been King. You would have been the Crown Prince!" he growled. "And now Baekhyun has the country which should have been yours. I want you to be King because I couldn't get my throne back, Chan. You've got to do this."

"What, taking my hyung's life?" Chanyeol swallowed, pale. "I can't do this Abeoji. This is murder Abeoji. And I don't even want to be King."

"That's because you haven't thought about it before." Lord Park interrupted. "You should be King, Chan. I know you're shocked but in giving you time to absorb this. But remember, the throne should be ours."

Chanyeol left the room, shaking and shocked. He didn't know what to think. His father, his mother. Why were they behaving like that? He didn't even recognize them anymore.

"What is happening now?" Chanyeol groaned. "Eotteohke?"



"Omo look at that! Let's go there!" Baekhyun beamed and pulled Byul along with him.

Byul rolled her eyes, amused. The two were in the Capital City, walking down the streets that sold things here and there that interested Baekhyun every now and then. Baekhyun was like a child sometimes.

Baekhyun and Byul were in luck because there was some sort of fair in the city and there were stalls of games and snacks around with children squealing with fun.

"Let's try this one." Baekhyun smiled at Byul. He pulled her to a game store where there were cheap stuff like hand woven bracelets and tiny wooden figurines placed dotted around the mat. Better prizes were further away and cheaper prizes were nearer.

People were given rings that were made of straw and were supposed to throw it at the prizes. If the rings clung round a prize, it was yours.

"Ahjusshi, three rings please." Baekhyun handed the Ahjusshi a penny.

The Ahjusshi smiled at them. "Good luck lad!"

Baekhyun bounced enthusiastically to the mat where the prizes were laid. He eyed the largest prize that was the furthest away, the cloth woven doll.

"I'm going to get that." Baekhyun boasted.

Byul laughed. "Do you know how hard this game is?"

"Watch me." Baekhyun grinned. He narrowed his eyes at the doll and aimed. He threw the straw ring but since it was light, the wind carried it away.

It wasn't even close.

Baekhyun deflated and he pouted. "Hah! Told you it wasn't that easy right?" Byul nudged him playfully.

Baekhyun made a face. He tried again, this time taking in account the wind. But the second and third time, he still missed. He watched as a little girl won a small bunny toy and pouted.

"Aish this game is not fun at all! Let's go." Baekhyun pulled Byul away. Byul laughed and sent an apologetic look at the Ahjusshi who just smiled.

Byul tugged on Baekhyun's sleeve. "So someone can't throw well huh?" she whispered.

Baekhyun flicked her forehead. "Pssh. That game was for kids, see? I was just....failing on purpose."

"Okaaaaay...?" Byul said slowly, making it obvious that she didn't believe him.

Baekhyun opened his mouth to defend himself when a store caught his eye. It was a retail store that sold ready made robes and hanbok dresses.

Baekhyun grinned and took Byul's hand. Her eyes darted towards their entwined hands and her cheeks heated.

"Enough of games. We've got something to get you." he declared, pulling her towards the retail shop. He looked at her up and down in her men's clothes. "Why did you get men's clothing  for yourself again?"

Byul looked down at herself. "Well, it's comfortable."

"Meh." Baekhyun pulled her into the shop. "We're acting as commoners and we've got to act it right. I want you wear a skirt. Not pants all the time. No one knows who I am, we are in no danger." he shrugged.

He smiled at the storekeeper and pushed Byul towards her. "Ahjumma, give her the prettiest dress in the shop!"

"No problem lad!" The Ahjumma smiled and led Byul towards the changing room. Byul let out a shriek as she was ushered in against her will.

Baekhyun smiled to himself and sighed contently. *I wonder how she'll look.*

He remembered how she looked when she wore a Hanbok when the EXO-M princes were leaving and forced her to wear one.

"I think she's going to look absolutely beautiful." he whispered.


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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960 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
960 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.