Sending him away

My Bodyguard Princess

"Don't move! How many times must I tell you not to get out of bed huh? Do you not understand simple korean?" Baekhyun fussed, frowning as he caught Byul getting out of bed when he went to the relieve himself.

Byul pouted as Baekhyun pushed her back to her bed and made her sleep on it. "You're turning into a mother hen like Suho." she told him seriously without a hint of joke. "You should visit the physician to check it out."

Baekhyun flicked her forehead. "You're still weak. I can't have you walk around and try to pick up your sword to play." he made a face. "What if you suddenly collapse or something?" he asked, horrified at the aspect.

"I won't." Byul rolled her eyes. Baekhyun was seriously turning into a drama queen. "I'm stronger than you, Ddong-ha, in case you haven't figured that out yet."

She sighed and looked out of the window at the beautiful day outside where she couldn't bask in the sun. "I want to go out." she muttered. "It's so boring being kept here in the room all day. Seriously Ddong-ha, it's the bodyguard's job to guard the Crown Prince 24/7, not the other way round." she gave him a pointed look.

"And what?" Baekhyun retorted smoothly. "Let you sneak out? You're not strong enough." he insisted.

He sighed. He hadn't been sleeping well for the past few nights because he found himself sneaking over to Byul's room to check up on her in the middle of the night. He found himself worrying unnecessarily and to be honest, he was thinking that Byul may be right. He was turning into a mother hen like Suho.

The princes visited Byul every single day, but that didn't make things less boring. Byul wasn't someone to be kept indoors for long periods of time, and the extent of her boredness was only to be imagined.

"Fine." Baekhyun relented. He was rather tired of reading books to her too, his throat rather sore and his voice scratchy, and he had to stop every now and then to explain what a certain word meant to Byul.

"How about we just sit by the lake?" Baekhyun suggested. "No moving around." he wagged his finger in front of Byul's face when he saw her eyes light up. "Just sitting there."

"We could?" Byul beamed, the smile reaching her eyes and making them look slightly semi-circle shaped. "Let's go now!" she bounced off the bed excitedly, only to stumble a few steps because her legs weren't used to walking again after resting so much.

"Hey, steady." Baekhyun held her arm. He frowned and bit his lip. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea." he muttered.

"Nonsense!" Byul cut him off. "You're the Crown Prince Ddong-ha, what you said can't be taken back!" she grinned. "Let's go." she tugged at his sleeve and Baekhyun softened. He kept a firm grip on her arm to make sure she didn't walk to quickly or fall over, keeping their pace snail-like slow.

But Byul didn't mind. She could breathe the fresh air and bask in the sunlight that she had missed for the past few days. The EXO-K princes visited now and then, and so did Princess Dahae, but Byul knew Dahae only came when she knew Chanyeol was there.

The two settled themselves beside the lake and took a deep breathe. "This is nice." Byul commented, stretching her stiff limbs. "I can't wait to go for a run. Or practice my sword play." she muttered. "I thought of a few new moves I wanted to show Principal Kim."

Baekhyun nudged her forehead. "You're not even well enough yet." he murmured.

Byul made a face and laid back on the grass. Baekhyun blinked at her but she ignored him, letting out a contented sigh. "Hey. The grass is dirty." Baekhyun nudged her arm.

"So?" It's comfy." Byul responded nonchalantly, looking absolutely relaxed. She squinted up at him. "Sure you don't want to lie down?"

Baekhyun bit his lip, contemplating. It sure looked pretty nice... He patted the grass and found it smooth and soft. He looked around, making sure there weren't any other maids or servants around, and he fell back on his back beside Byul. "Ahh...nicer than my bed." he let out a contented sigh.

Byul grinned. The Crown Prince was getting better by day.

She turned to look at him from her side. "Honestly, Ddong-ha, you don't need to guard me all the time." she told him. "It's not like I can protect you if I'm weak. You can get another temporary bodyguard until I'm well." she suggested. "And besides, you and Dahae gongju haven't had time together for the past few days because of me." she pouted guiltily.

Baekhyun stilled. Yeah, Dahae. "It's okay." he shrugged the best he could as he rolled over to his side to look at Byul, tucking his arm under his head to make a pillow. "I can see her after. You're the one who saved my life so I figured it's my responsibility to make sure you're well again."

Responsibility, so that's what it was. Byul didn't know why she sighed.

"It's really okay, Ddong-ha. I'm up and about now aren't I?" she asked. "You don't need to sacrifice your time for me. Go to Dahae gongju, you must miss her." she urged weakly.

Baekhyun thought for a second, somehow a little tempted by the thought. He bit his lip for a bit and settled back on the grass. "Nah. It's okay. I'll stay." he closed his eyes.

Byul watched him for a bit, studying his face. This prince changed quite a lot since they met, a little less childish and a little more giving. To see him care and worry for her was indeed comforting.

But responsibility, guilt. That was all it was.

And Byul was guilty for the sacrifices he had to make for her as well. Baekhyun's breathing slowed and the frequency in which his chest rose and fell to his every breath decreased as well. "Ddong-ha?" Byul whispered, waving her hands in front of his face.

Baekhyun didn't respond.

*He's asleep.* Byul smiled softly, a tingle running down her spine. She slowly sat up, making as little noise as possible. She stood up and crept away, keeping an eye on Baekhyun to make sure he was still in dreamland.

When she was far enough, Byul waved for a maid from a distance. "Hey." Byul smiled. "Can you call for Princess Dahae? Tell her that the Crown Prince is waiting for her by the lake." she requested.

And she didn't know why it kind of hurt to say so.



Chanyeol stepped into the residence, looking around. He blinked in surprise, listening more carefully. voices bickering for once?

Chanyeol grinned to himself, making his way into Baekhyun's quarters. He passed Baekhyun's grand bed room and went over to the smaller guest room that Byul was staying in.

He opened the curtain draping the doorway and peeked in. "Byul?" he whispered.

There was no one around inside. Chanyeol scratched his head, puzzled. "Where are they?" he murmured to himself. "I thought Baekhyun hyung didn't want to let Byul out walking."

He poked his head in again to check one last time, before retracing his steps to the entrance. "This is strange." he felt utterly puzzled. He was about to ask one of the maids where the Crown Prince and his body guard were when he saw the girl he was looking for, sitting on a wooden bench in the backyard.

He smiled unconsciously as he made his way to her. She was playing with a piece of leaf idly and staring into space when he sat down beside her. "Where's hyung?"

Byul was startled for a moment before she smiled. "Oh Ddong-ha?" she smiled a little weakly. "He finally agreed to go out to the lake to sit and he fell asleep. I snuck away and sent for Princess Dahae to find him." she told him. "Ddong-ha needed some time for his love affairs didn't he?" she laughed uneasily.

"You did that?" Chanyeol looked at her in admiration. "He doesn't know?"

"Wellll, i think he might." Byul shrugged. "If he has woken up by now and Dahae gongju really went to find him." she half-smiled. "Ddong-ha may be annoying but he did take care of me quite a bit."

Chanyeol looked at her, his heart swelling with love. *And what about you? He's just missing a few days with Dahae but you're the one who's sick and taken a blow to your health for him. Look at you now, playing with a leaf and looking lonely just because you sent him away.*

He reached out to curl a strand of her hair behind her ear and Byul looked at him, a little surprised.

"I'll stay." Chanyeol offered. "I'll be here by your side instead."




Hi guys!

I know in kinda slow but I only just knew what the arrow beside the title was. Apparently you guys thought this fic should be featured and clicked on it!!!

Whether or not featured, I'm really happy you guys think so. So big THANK YOU here <3

You guys don't know how happy you make me. :)


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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960 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
960 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.