Dense Byul

My Bodyguard Princess

"Why are you looking are me like that?" Byul grew conscious as Baekhyun kept staring at her constantly for the past half and hour.

She didn't know what to think when he did that. She couldn't even think. It got her all flustered and self conscious and she couldn't help but glance at the mirror. Did she look weird?

"Do I have something on my face?" Byul murmured, frowning and wiping her cheeks furiously.

Baekhyun grabbed her hands, the shock tingling through their contact. Byul quickly pulled her hands away and stared at the ground nervously. "Don't abuse your face like that." Baekhyun murmured, flicking her forehead.

Byul snuck a peek at him and saw him looking down at her with this sort of unreadable eyes that had appeared for the past few days. It was really strange, she could hardly get used to this new Byun Baekhyun.

He seemed especially attentive and didn't even react when Byul brought Dahae into the conversation. This was one of the numerous times she caught him looking at her and she felt fidgety when he did that. It didn't help that her heart would always be racing when he was near and she had absolutely no control over her body's response to him.

"I've been wanting to ask." Byul looked at Baekhyun uncertainly. "I'm not sure if I should."

Baekhyun looked at her curiously and played with her ponytail. "You can ask me anything Han Eunbyul." he shrugged and gazed softly at her. That same unreadable, or should I say, foreign expression came onto his face again. The expression of utter softness in his eyes as he looked at her made her go jelly all over. She never saw him look like that ever.

"Uhm don't mind me asking..." she bit her lip. "Did you have a fight with Dahae gongju?" she squeaked.

Baekhyun blinked in confusion. "What?"

Byul hurried explained her case. "Well you've been rather weird these few days." she explained. "When the EXO-K princes come over, you don't exactly pay attention to them." *But you just keep staring at me.* she added in her mind. "And you haven't been to Dahae gongju's since that talk you had with her a few days ago." she shrugged. "Dahae gongju also seemed to be avoiding you. I can't help but wonder if you two were in a fight or something."

Baekhyun looked at her, wanting to laugh but desperately keeping it in. "And what do you think?" he asked her back. "Would you want Dahae gongju and me to be in a fight?"

Byul rubbed the back of her neck in confusion. "Why would I want you to quarrel with anyone else?" she retorted. *Even if this girl is my ultimate love rival.* she wrinkled her nose.

Baekhyun grinned and leaned closer to her, his arm brushing hers. Byul's eyes rounded in curiosity as he leaned over to her ear to whisper, his breath tickling her ear. "And if it were up to you," he whispered. "Would you want to see Dahae and I get together?"

*NOOOOOO!!!* Byul yelled in her head. She kept a calm pose and raised a brow. "Would YOU want to get together with her?" she retorted back.

Baekhyun laughed and settled back into his seat. He grinned at her and shook his head. "I'm never getting a response out of you, Han Eunbyul." he murmured, twitching her nose. Byul slapped his hands away and rubbed her nose, pouting. What was he up to? Why was he so strange?

Baekhyun chuckled to himself as he looked at her. *Han Eunbyul, you're the most adorable girl I've ever seen.*




The EXO-K princes watched in confusion as they saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol racing to get the seats beside Byul and smiling at her sweetly. Byul seemed equally puzzled at their confusing and mysterious actions, and she just looked at them, trying to figure things out.

"Baekhyun hyung, I want to sit beside Byul noona!" Sehun complained. "She's your bodyguard! You get to see her all the time but I don't! ME WANTS TO CHANGE SEATS!"

"NO." Baekhyun didn't even turn to the maknae as he snapped a curt reply. He was still looking at Byul with that dreamy expression that the EXO-K princes were familiar, but at the same time foreign to. It was the same look Baekhyun had when he looked at Dahae in the past but this time, it was a hundred times worse and it was as if his brain and ears were not functioning at all together with his eyes.

Sehun pouted and turned to tug at Chanyeol's sleeve. "Can I change seats with you then, Chanyeol-hyung?" he asked sweetly.

Chanyeol looked at Sehun for a bit and shook his head. "I came here first Sehun." he shrugged. "Next time you want to seat beside Byul, you've got to run."

Kai rolled his eyes at the two princes. "You think my cousin can outrun you with your ridiculously yard long legs?" he retorted as he eyed Sehun's legs. "Look at his. Short." he muttered.

"HEY!" Sehun whined and pushed Kai. The two began bickering again and the mother hen Suho had to separate them. "Will you two PLEASE stop fighting all the tiem?" he sighed. "Man I feel like a nanny."

"You look like one too." D.O. piped up teasingly, grinning. Suho rolled his eyes and whacked D.O.'s head lightly, settling into the chair. The two maknaes finally stopped bickering and they all looked at Baekhyun, Byul and Chanyeol.

They seemed to be in their own awkward bubble as the two princes paid Byul their utmost attention and trying to vie for her approval. It was funny to watch as Baekhyun kept failing, tripping over his words and totally unlike the usual flirty and smooth prince he was known for.

"What do you think they're doing?" D.O, whispered curiously. "Chanyeol hyung I can expect, I always thought he had a crush on Byul noona. But Baekhyun hyung...."

Suho nodded. "But feelings can change don't you think?" he whispered back. "In any case, I'll be happy if any one of them gets Byul. She's better than Dahae any day."

Sehun listened on, nodding. Though he secretly didn't want any of his hyungs to get Byul. Byul was an angel sent from heaven and if she had to marry, she should be paired with..."Me." Sehun grinned and clapped to himself. "Only I'm worthy of her!"

Kai shot him a look. "Don't talk to yourself Hun, it's scary." he muttered.

Sehun elbowed Kai. "You talk about that? I saw you talking and whispering to yourself before you went to talk to Minhee this morning. 'should I say hi? I should right? Kai you can do this, it's just one word.' " Sehun mimicked Kai.

Kai looked absolutely horrfied that the dongsaeng heard him. The other princes laughed their asses off. "OH MY GOSH KAI you're such a noob!" D.O. guffawed. Kai pouted and humphed.

"Seems like you found your special girl, Kai-gun." Suho teased.

The other three listened in and Chanyeol decided to chip in. "I don't know about your special girl, Kai." Chanyeol commented. "But I know there's one seriously special girl in the Palace." he shot a meaningful glance at Byul.

Who was unfortunately not looking at him as Baekhyun was playing with her fingers and she was swatting his hands away. "Oh who is that, Chanyeol hyung?" Sehun asked curiously.

Chanyeol shrugged mysteriously. "Not telling."

Baekhyun tore his eyes from Byul's face and nodded. "Yup I agree with Yeol. That girl is amazing."

Byul bit her lip, taking it all in. Who were they talking about? She pouted as she realized there was only one girl Baekhyun would praise like this.

*Dahae gongju.* she sighed.


"So, do you want to know who that mystery girl is? The one Yeol and I were talking about." Baekhyun raised his brows at Byul teasingly when they were alone.

Byul fiddled with her robes. "I know who she is."

"Who?" Baekhyun asked, curious and a little disbelieving.

"Dahae gongju of course." Byul shrugged a little sadly. "There's no one you'll think amazing like her."

Baekhyun tutted his lips. "Deng! Wrong." he grinned. "I wasn't talking about Dahae. This girl I was talking about is a hundred times more impressive."

Byul blinked in surprise. "Really?" she scratched her head. Who can it be?

One of the maids? Court attendants? Gisaengs?

"Wanna know who it is?" Baekhyun took a step nearer to her, his eyes reading her face softly.

Byul felt a lump stuck at . "Uhm. No." she shook her head hurriedly. She didn't want to hear him confess his love for some other girl. It would hurt so bad.

"I don't think she'd be all that amazing." Byul pouted. "Knowing your taste, I bet that girl is horrendously ugly and mean, and picks on children!" she harrumphed.

She turned back to look at Baekhyun only to see him burst into laughter madly. "HAHAHA!!!" he guffawed. "Oh my gosh you don't know what you're saying Han Eunbyul!"

Byul pouted. "I do!" she defended. "And I bet she doesn't like bathing either. Humph!" she grumbled.

She turned away pouting, twisting her lips as she thought of who the girl might be. Must be some beautiful woman out there, feminine and demure unlike her.

Baekhyun chuckled softly, flicking her forehead. "Babo."

*That girl is you.*


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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960 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
960 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.