Hunting Trip Trouble

My Bodyguard Princess

"So uh, are you and Chanyeol-gun really close, Byul?" Dahae asked with a smile, but her eyes were shining with suspicion.

Byul didn't notice any of those since she didn't really read deep into lines like that. She didn't believe there were people who were really mean in the world, just confused and not thinking clearly.

That's why despite her skills in fighting, she was rather trusting even towards strangers. Perhaps it was a good thing love was the last thing in her mind because she would have been cheated and conned by a dozen lechers by now if she showed the slightest interest.

Byul blinked back at Dahae. "Huh?" she asked. "Yeah. Chanyeol-gun's really nice. He doesn't act like he's different from any one else despite being a prince and treats all of us as equals." she smiled.

Dahae wrinkled her nose. *That's the thing I don't like about Chanyeol-gun. He shouldn't mix around with these lowly people. It's degrading.*

"Oh yeah." Dahae nodded like she supported whatever byul said. "He's really handsome too huh, Byul? He must be an ideal type amongst the servants and maids huh?" she wanted to hear what Byul wanted to say.

Byul looked at Dahae, alarmed. What should she say? She couldn't say Chanyeol was a good catch since she knew Dahae liked Chanyeol as well. And Baekhyun had asked her for help to make Dahae fall for him instead.

Byul bit her lip. "Uhm, Chanyeol-gun is good-looking but I don't think he's much of an ideal type." she said carefully. "He isn't as popular with the maids as compared with Ddong...Jeonha." Byul corrected herself. "Jeonha's the one that the girls are crazy over."

"Oh." Dahae smiled to herself. Byul didn't seem to like Chanyeol that much as a lover, but still Dahae wouldn't treat this lightly. She raised her brows at Byul. "Jeonha's popular with girls?"

Byul nodded eagerly. "Yes he's realllllly popular." she convinced. "They all think he's simply wonderful and and and uhhhh handsome and suave and handsome and uhh..." Byul blanked. Praising a guy like that was simply out of her capabilities.

Dahae leaned over to Byul. "And you find Jeonha attractive as well?"

Byul's eyes widened and she choked. She coughed hard and thumped her chest, wheezing. "HAHAHA That Ddong-ha?" she howled in laughter. "No no no." she wiped away her tears of laughter.

Dahae leaned back, her eyes full of dislain. Since Byul didn't like Baekhyun, it meant she might like Chanyeol. And that still made Byul an enemy.

The two girls sat in opposite sides of the room, the atmosphere awkward after their little talk. It wasn't the talk that made things awkward, it was the fact that the girls were two types of people from opposite ends of the galaxy being thrown together.

Byul couldn't find anything to say to Dahae that might interest the princess. I mean, stallions, swords, fighting...a princess wouldn't be interested in those right?

And when Dahae tried to talk about the newest fashion in town, Byul found that she couldn't understand a word the princess was saying and could only cower ashamed when the princess found out that she didn't even use a colored ribbon to do her hair.

The two were just so awkward and they decided to just stay that way and not make conversation. Byul glanced at Dahae who was looking out of the window and looking prettier than a picture. *I can see why Ddong-ha fell for her. She's really pretty.* she thought.

Byul looked down at her shabby dressing and wrinkled her nose. *Ayye, don't think about it.* Byul shook her head. *It doesn't matter to me either.*

But that didn't stop Byul from scorning at her down dressing.



Two hours later, Chanyeol was the first one to return with his catch. He had returned with a wild boar and a deer, smiling widely. It wasn't surprising that he won again.

Dahae cheered loudly, but somehow Byul was a little sad that Baekhyun hadn't won since she knew how much he worked for it. Baekhyun returned ten minutes after Chanyeol with a smaller wild deer and two rabbits. He seemed disappointed that he lost, but was a good sport about it, thumping his dongsaeng on the back and being generous with his praises.

The other princes ree by one, and they all looked tired but proud of their catches. Soon, five of the six princes had returned back and they were all waiting for the last prince to return.

The latest to come back was D.O. who had only caught a squirrel. But that had been half an hour ago. The hunting had already commenced a full four hours and still the last prince wasn't back yet.

"Just where is Sehun?" Suho asked, frowning. "He isn't a good shooter and everything, but he isn't THAT bad. He didn't even finish last last year. I was the one who returned empty handed." he sighed.

D.O. nodded. "Yeah. It's been such a long time. And Sehun's always impatient. If he couldn't catch anything for one hour he'd just return back empty handed rather than keep waiting for the animals to turn up."

Dahae snapped her head towards Byul. "Do you think it's because he promised Byul to catch a tiger that's why he's trying?" she snickered.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun frowned. What did she mean?

"If Sehun's lost it's because he wants to try, Byul didn't ask him to catch a tiger for her, Dahae." Chanyeol snapped protectively. Baekhyun couldn't stand on Dahae's side even if he wanted to. "Yeah, I agree with Yeol."

"Will you guys stop bickering and find a way to get Hun back?" Kai snapped. All eyes turned towards him, surprised. Kai always bullied his younger cousin and didn't seem to care for him much, but he certainly looked really bothered by Sehun's disappearance right now.

"Hyung." Kai looked at Baekhyun and said in a strained voice. "Eotteohke? H-Hun.."

"We'll find him." Baekhyun assured. "You stay here with Dahae in case Sehun comes back. The rest come with me to find him." he nodded at the other princes.

Byul ran up to him. "I want to go too."

"You know he's not missing because of you right?" Baekhyun frowned, worried that Dahae's words made her feel that way. "I know. But I'm worried too. Don't tell me you're worried about me because I can fight better than you Ddong-ha. I'll be useful." she assured.

Baekhyun nodded, his face strained. "Arraso. Let's go."

The six of them (princes minus Kai plus Byul) got on the stallions and galloped into the forest. "SEHUN! SEHUN ARE YOU HERE?" they hollered, alerting deers and rabbits, causing them to run away, terrified.

"Sehun!" Chanyeol hollered. "Are you around?"

Baekhyun hushed them and listened carefully. There seemed to be a soft shout somewhere. Baekhyun's eyes widened and he met eyes with Byul. She nodded and lead the way towards the voice, signalling them to be quiet.

They could all heat Sehun's voice now, screaming in fear. "Hyungs? Kai Hyung? Baekhyun hyung? Anyone? HELLLLPPPP!!!"

Byul swallowed. Oh no.

She got off her horse and made the others follow, gripping her bow tight and making sure her sword was fastened securely on her thigh. They inched closer to the Sehun's voice and were all paralysed by what they saw.

Sehun was stuck up in a large tree with a wide trunk, while under the tree was a large tiger, prowling and gnawing at the trunk. Tigers could climb trees usually, but this one was too large to be agile and the tree was a little too large for the tiger to wrap it's claws around it.

But it didn't stop the tiger from trying. It kept growling and trying to climb up the tree but the smooth trunk made it slide back down to the ground.

"Ahhhh UMMAAAA!!!" Sehun wailed, crying.

The princes were thoroughly frightened. "Omo! What should we do now?" Suho whispered, scared that the tiger would find out about them. Which was a BAD BAD thing since they didn't hide up on some tree and it could get them. Fast.

Byul drew an arrow. "I have to shoot it." she whispered. She looked back at them. "I have to kill it in one shot. If I miss and it gets alarmed....we'll have to deal with an angry tiger. It isnt' good."

D.O. squinted at the tiger that was a long way away from them. "But the tiger's really far."

"That's why I have to get nearer. You guys wait here." Byul whispered. She turned to go, only to have two hands shoot out to grab her. "Yah! What are you doing?" Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol hissed.

Byul shrugged their hands off. "Killing the tiger and saving Sehun." she frowned. "And what are you doing?"

"Saving you from getting killed." Chanyeol hissed back. "Do you know that's a full grown tiger right there? If you just make a sound and it hears you-"

"I won't." Byul hissed. "I have to save Sehun-gun!"

"You're my bodyguard but you don't have to do this Han Eunbyul." Baekhyun shook his head. That was a tiger. A TIGER. No way did he want to see it attack anyone and definitely not Han Eunbyul.

"Don't worry." she forced a smile. She turned and ran towards the tiger, treading softly. The princes couldn't make sounds of protest to make her come back for fear of alerting the tiger.

Byul her lips and tip toed over, dry. She hid behind a tree and peeked out at the tiger. IT was growling and getting angry and frustrated that it couldn't get it's prey for such a long time.

*You can do this Byul.* She told herself. Byul raised her bow and placed her arrow in it. She pulled back, closing her left eye and aiming at the tiger.

The princes held their breath, waiting for her shot.

Byul prayed to God for her to succeed. She pulled back and let go, hard. The arrow made a swift sound against the air.

A loud roar resonated through the forest.

And the tiger fell down. Dead.

Byul slumped against the tree, panting from the anxiety. D.O. and Suho ran to Sehun, helping the maknae down. Baekhyun looked at Byul and felt his heart finally slowing down from it's mad rush.

*You almost killed me there Han Eunbyul.* he sighed. *I don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you.*

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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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960 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
960 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.