Night in the City

My Bodyguard Princess

"See? A dress isn't that bad huh?" Baekhyun grinned.

Byul shot him a look as she pulled at her skirt and shifted closer to him unconsciously as she looked around at the scores of men who were looking in their direction.

Baekhyun hadn't batted an eyelid when the shopkeeper asked for a ridiculously expensive price that was more than thrice what Byul had expected for the darn dress. He paid for it and made Byul wear it, throwing the men's clothes away.

And now she was stuck in this piece of cloth that she felt sooooo uncomfortable in, paired up with an incredible hairdo that Baekhyun made the storekeeper help her do. Thanks a lot Ddong-ha.

"Can't I change?" Byul murmured. "Look at those men looking over! This is one reason why I don't like wearing dresses."

Baekhyun finally tore his eyes from her and looked around for the first time. He seemed surprised to see so many men looking at Byul and a fierce protectiveness surged within him.

He pulled her closer as they made their way through the crowd. "Well....I can't blame them for looking though." he muttered as he snuck another glance at her.

How the hell did he convince himself she wasn't attractive, he didn't know. He should be some sort of hypnotherapist at this rate.

He remembered thinking this girl was beautiful the first moment he saw that she was to be his bodyguard. And this feeling intensified by hundred times as he looked at her.

It wasn't so much the pretty face that appealed to Baekhyun like the first time, though. It was the knowledge that this girl, even with a face like that, had no idea what effect she had on men and how gorgeous she was. This was what made her more endearing.

The two of them weaves through the crowd as Baekhyun pulled her from store to store, trying new games and food. He was the prince of Korea and he had no idea his country was so much fun.

Or maybe it was just the company he was with.

"Come on Han Eunbyul, win me a prize." Baekhyun grinned as he pulled her towards the archery corner.

There was some sort of competition going on with several men lined up to shook three arrows. The one with the most number of bulls eye would win a prize which they could choose from a variety.

The other participants eyed Byul with partial disdain and interest. What was this gorgeous girl doing here?

"Agasshi, you sure you want to play?" the stall owner asked. "To play you need to pay ten pennies you know."

Byul looked over at Baekhyun unsurely but he already dumped a tael into the stall owner's hands. "Keep the change and give her your best arrows."

Byul made a face as Baekhyun gave her a geeky grin. "Win me something oh?" he nudged her. "Payback for me being such a nice guy." he grinned.

Byul rolled her eyes but she took the arrow and bow. The first round commenced and the first participant fired all three arrows. A bulls eye, and two eights. Twenty six points.

The second guy had two nines and an eight which made twenty six, the third twenty four, the fourth twenty two.

The guy before Byul shot two bulls eye in a row and a nine. Twenty nine points. One point from perfection.

He smirked and but his bow down, as if he already won. He looked at Byul challengingly, his expression obvious that he didn't think she had enough strength to even fire the arrow.

"Go Han Eunbyul!" Baekhyun whispered behind her.

Byul smiled to herself when she heard him. With renewed confidence, she held the bow up and stretched the elastic. THUCKKK!!

The arrow flew with incredible speed and landed on the centre of the bulls eye red dot. The guy before her gaped openly.

Byul took the second arrow and fired, the second piercing through her first and landing on the exact same spot. When she finished with her third arrow, both the first and second arrows were split and looked pretty ridiculous like a flower as they all concentrated on the smack middle of the board.

The stall owner was more than shocked. "Three bulls eye! The winner this is Agasshi here!" he raised Byul's hand. The crowd that had formed while they were playing, applauded loudly and whistled.

Byul pinked and turned back to see Baekhyun cheering the loudest. She went back with a smile as he grinned back. "Good job! No wonder you're my bodyguard."

"Pssh." Byul snorted playfully. She pushed him towards the prize area. "Choose your prize then."

Baekhyun tapped his chin as he looked around. Leather pouches, a new set of bows, a series of poems. Things he could easily get in the Palace.

"What do you want?" Byul looked at him, wishing that he'd take the new set of bows.

Baekhyun's hands closed around a silver bangle and smiled at the stall owner. "We'll take this."

They left, with Byul looking curiously at Baekhyun. "You're going to give that to Dahae gongju?" she asked, her voice a little unsteady at the prospect.

Baekhyun took her hand wordlessly and slipped the bangle through her hands. "You're dressed up like a lady so you need the accessories to complete the look." he reasoned. "Too bad you didn't bring that hairclip I gave you last time huh?"

Byul pinked as she looked at the bangle around her wrist. Not something she was used to, but some how it didn't look too bad on her. "You didn't need to. The prize was for you." she mumbled.

Baekhyun flicked her forehead. "I can get those things anytime. But you wouldn't accept a bangle if I gave it to you right?" he shrugged. He gave her a sly smile. "And don't think I didn't notice how you were eying the set of arrows, tomboy."

Byul punched his arm. "Sissy."

"Owww!" Baekhyun whined. He looked at her as his eyes clouded with mischief. "Oh you're going to get it, Han Eunbyul." he grinned, making a wild grab for her.

Byul laughed ad slipped away as he ran after her. She couldn't help thinking, this was the best day in her life.



"Eotteohke? We can't get in now!" Byul whispered.

They had forgotten the time as they ventured round the capital city and when they went back to the Palace gates to climb over the wall, the night guards were already patrolling.

There were many more guards at night than in the day which made it impossible to just climb the wall and sneak back in. They'd be found out for sure.

Baekhyun bit his lip contemplating. He looked at the Palace and back at the way they came from the city.

He took Byul's hand and pulled her away. "We're not going back." he announced.

Byul was too shocked with his declaration to marvel over how his hands closed over hers in just the perfect way. "Are you insane?" she hissed.

Baekhyun grinned. "Maybe." he pulled her towards the nearest inn. "It's late and we can't go back. Let's just stay here till tomorrow, how does that sound?" he bargained. "The maids at my quarters are practically non existent because they know there's you to keep an eye on me. Even if they found that I'm missing, they think I'm safe because you aren't around as well which means you're with me."

"But-" Byul frowned, feeling uncomfortable about it.

"Tsk Tsk just listen to the suave man." he pulled her to the counter. There was an Ahjusshi tending it and he smiled warmly at the two.

"Hello, can I help you?"

Baekhyun nodded politely. "Yes. Can we have two room for the night please?"

The Ahjusshi frowned. "I'm sorry but...we've only got a room left." he explained.

Byul's face fell. "Oh then Nevermind, we'll find another inn." she bowed.

"Wait! Our inn is the only one within five miles. You won't be able to find another." the Ahjusshi told them. "It's just one room. Take it or not?"

Byul frowned. A room with Baekhyun? Oh no no.

"I can find some stable to sleep in, you can take the ro-" she started, when Baekhyun slung his arm around her shoulders and pulled her near. "My wife and I would like the room please."

Byul's eyes widened. *MY WIFE?!?!*

"Oh you two are married?" the Ahjusshi smiled. "Thank goodness, I was wondering how scandalous it'd be for you two to share the room. But why then did you want two...?"

"Oh my wife is pregnant you see," Baekhyun fibbed smoothly. "I want her to have a bed to herself since I just can't get my hands off her." he smiled sweetly at Byul who looked at him, horrified.

"But since there's only one room, I'll have to learn self control huh?" Baekhyun joked. The Ahjusshi chuckled loudly. It was obvious that he was thinking along the lines of what a cute couple or what not.

"Come with me then, I'll show you to your room." the Ahjusshi gestured.

The two followed behind and Byul frowned at Baekhyun. "Are you insane? A same room?"

Baekhyun tapped her nose. "I trust you won't do anything to me Han Eunbyul, putting my ity at risk here." he grinned and turned to follow the Ahjusshi.

Byul gaped at him and mentally smacked herself. Oh boy.


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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960 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
960 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.