
My Bodyguard Princess

"You whattttt???" The EXO-K princes shrieked in unison.

"Shhh!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol hissed together, looking around to see if the other maids and attendants were about. They weren't. "Not so loud!"

"It's kind of hard to control my volume when I just heard that you went to a brothel, Baekhyun!" Suho frowned. "What were you thinking!"

Baekhyun pouted and looked down on the ground guiltily. "Not enough, apparently. The only thought I had was to run away from Han Eunbyul and have some fun myself." he admitted. "I didn't even consider the consequences."

"And she had to take thirty heavy beatings for you, good job hyung." Kai said sarcastically. "You're a real man."

Baekhyun's face fell and he sighed heavily. He felt really bad about it but he wasn't in a fine relationship with Byul to be nice to her. The only way they could be natural to each other was to be mean. If he suddenly went up to her and became nice....

Baekhyun shuddered. He didn't even want to think about it.

"You made noona suffer." Sehun frowned and pointed a finger at Baekhyun accusingly. "You horrible hyung!"

Baekhyun glanced towards the door where Byul was standing guard and was relieved to see that she hadn't heard a thing. He frowned at the maknae. "Yah! Why are you helping her now when I vividly remember you saying that you didn't want to meet such a girl like her on your way home since you're terrified?" he asked.

Sehun jutted his bottom lip out. "That was before I knew noona was so pretty and nice!" he defended. "She's an angel sent from heaven and you made her suffer! You meanie hyung!"

Chanyeol couldn't help but nod in agreement with Sehun's words, even though he would have phrased it in another manner obviously. Not so cutey bubbly Sehunnie speech.

"I didn't mean to!" Baekhyun groaned. "I'm guilty enough okay? Stop harping on it!" he snapped.

D.O. looked at his hyung curiously. "Have you said thanks or sorry for the whole thing?" he asked. "You may hate Byul, but she's just doing her job of keeping you safe. And she really did it this time, saving your sorry ."

All eyes were trained on Baekhyun and the Crown Prince pinked, lowering his gaze to the ground. "I haven't" he squeaked.

"WHAT?" they chorused in unison again, even louder this time.

"Shhh!! Do you want her to hear?" Baekhyun hushed them, glancing towards the door again.

Chanyeol ignored what he said and frowned. "You're so rotten, hyung." he grumbled. "Byul made such a sacrifice for you and you didn't even bother to say anything about it. How can you be so ungrateful?" he shook his head, disappointed.

Baekhyun pouted and hugged a pillow. "I don't know how to!" he whined. "And I'm the Crown Prince! I can't possibly say sorry and thanks to a mere bodyguard, right?" he looked at them hopefully.

The five princes gave him stern looks and Baekhyun squeaked. "Maybe not."



Baekhyun glanced over at Byul and opened his mouth. And closed it. Shook his head, muttered something to himself. Looked back at her. Opened his mouth again. And closed it.

Byul shot Baekhyun an irritated glance. "Is something the matter Ddong-ha?" she rolled her eyes. "Stop gaping at me like a goldfish."

Baekhyun closed his mouth promptly and wrinkled his nose. "Nothing." he grumbled.

Byul raised her brows at him and shook her head, mumbling "weirdo" under her breath. Baekhyun wrinkled his nose and sighed, this was some hard business the EXO-K princes had put him into.

"Uhm Han Eunbyul." he murmured. Byul looked at him expectantly, knowing he had something to say.

Baekhyun took a deep breath and cleared his throat. " know...the thing with Minister Kang.." Baekhyun bit his lip, not daring to look at her. "Uhm how you came to look for me, saved me and got beaten because of me...uhm I'm sorry." he whispered.

Byul's eyes widened. Did he just-

"And thanks." Baekhyun finished quickly. He looked up and saw Byul staring at him as if he came from another planet. (Which they all technically did right? hehehe EXO~~) He pinked quickly and tried to change the subject.

"Ugh hot day huh?" he fanned himself excessively. "It must you you Han Eunbyul. Heaven is punishing us because of your stubborn and mean ways." he nagged.

Byul continued staring at him like she never saw him before.

Baekhyun squirmed and flinched. He reached into his robe and grabbed one of her hands. He slapped a beautiful flower shaped pin onto her hands abruptly. "Uh here! I uh...Some guy gave it to me that day when I went to the Capital City. I don't want it, you take it." he quickly stood up and rushed out of the place.

Byul swallowed and stared at the pin in her palm. She didn't wear things like that, and she had never been interested either.

Byul felt a smile crawling onto her lips as she stared at this particular pin in her hands. But this one was the most beautiful one she had ever seen.



Baekhyun bit his lip as he met Byul after he went for lunch with his parents.

He was grateful for the time he had away from her because it was so awkward. He had actually been nice to Han Eunbyul can you believe it? Oh my gosh.

He was relieved when he saw that Byul was her usual self when he met her, no signs of softening because he had been nice to her once. "Yah Ddong-ha did you drop all your teeth or something?" Byul complained. "I waited so long for you to finish your lunch."

Baekhyun made a face at her, but discreetly glanced at her head. He wondered if she'd wear the pin he gave her.

She didn't.

There was some bit of disappointment in him but he quickly toned it down. How he could he expect some tomboy like her to wear a pin anyway? The EXO-K princes had forced him to give it, but if it were up to him, he'd give her a sword or something.

But Chanyeol said something the previous night that he couldn't forget. Han Eunbyul was just a girl.

That made Baekhyun think twice and he ended up choosing that pin to give it to her. AISH. What a nuisance.

But she didn't wear it in the end, and he guessed he chose wrong. "What are you looking at?" Byul caught Baekhyun scanning her hair. She snorted. "You don't think I'd actually wear the pin don't you?" she retorted. "I won't be caught dead wearing something as girly as that!"

Baekhyun made a face and huffed. "You don't suit anything like that either!" he harrumphed. "It's only meant for girls. You're hardly one." he looked her up and down.

Byul rolled her eyes and felt in step with him as they walked back into Baekhyun's quarters. One of the maids walked past them and she bowed when she saw the Crown Prince.

Lowering her head, Baekhyun could suddenly see her hairdo like she was trying to show it off to him. And his eyes landed on a familiar looking flower piece on the maid's hair.

The maid smiled and rushed off, disappearing around the corner.

Baekhyun gaped at the maid and looked back at Byul. "You gave the pin to her?" he shrieked.

Byul looked at him nonchalantly. "Yeah why?" she picked her nails. "Not like I'd wear it, I just told you so. Made no sense for me to keep it right?"

Baekhyun opened his mouth and closed it. He didn't expect her to wear it, but he didn't expect her to give it away either! He, the magnificent and extremely handsome Crown Prince had given it to her! And she gave it to someone else?!

"You're such a pig, Han Eunbyul!" Baekhyun grumbled, stomping into his quarters.

Byul looked at him for a bit, making sure that he was out of sight. She crept behind the corner and saw the maid, Luna waiting for her. "Hey Luna." Byul whispered. "Can I have it back now?"

Luna nodded and picked the pin from her hair, handing it to Byul. Byul carefully took it and pocketed it.

"Why did you want me to flaunt that piece of thing in front of Jeonha anyway?" Luna asked Byul curiously.

Byul smiled mysteriously. "Nothing." she shrugged. "Nothing at all."

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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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960 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
960 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.