chapter 2

Love in the Ice
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A loud shrieking erupted next to your ear. You groaned, and clamped your pillow against your ear in a feeble attempt to block out the sound. Suddenly, you were yanked off the bed and landed on the floor.

"Gosh Hyunji would you wake up? You're late!" Hyunwoo's irritated voice reminded you.

You shot up and reached for your alarm clock. "5:46?! God damnit why didn't you wake me up sooner?" You yelled as you clawed your way out of the blankets and raced to the bathroom. After quickly slipping on a pair of leggings and a black athletic jacket, you burst out of the bathroom and flew down the stairs, almost face planting on the last step. Luckily, your dad was there to catch you and handed you a granola bar for your breakfast.

"Thanks dad," You said as you ran to your skateboard and jumped on it. Your stomach growled and you stuffed the granola bar into your mouth to shut it up. "Damn, I'm late," You mumbled as your feet hastily pushed the skateboard to the ice rink.

You rushed into the lobby at exactly 5:56 and scrambled to get your skates on. In your haste, you were deaf to the murmers and squeals of the other females in the room. As you tied the last knot on your skate, you became aware of the whispering around you.

"Oh my god, did you see the new guys?"

"They're pratically walking gods!"

"Did you see his abs? Omo, they're so defined!"

You rolled your eyes and hopped to your feet. You confidently walked to the entrance when a tanned arm stopped you. "May I help you?" You asked as you turned your gaze to the right.

The person who stopped you was a tanned boy with dark silky hair. His dark eyes twinkled mischievously and a smirk was plastered on to his face. You had to admit the guy was pretty attractive but you weren't very fazed. He was taller than you, even without skates on and you could tell he had abs.

"Hey there cutie," he said in a teasing voice. You stared at him in a bored manner. Was he actually trying to hit on me? "I lost my number. Can I have yours?" He asked.

You stared at him deadpanned, before saying,"No." You ducked under his arm and walked away, noticing the shocked look on his face. You heard an amused voice say,"Dude! She broke your record of not getting rejected!" and a quiet 'shut up!" Snickering, you took off your skate guards and stepped onto the ice. After doing your usual warm up, you skated over to Kim, who seemed a little bit...more excited than usual.

"Hey Kim. What's up?" You asked cautiously.

"Hey Hyunji. You remember your new partners and coaches I told you about yesterday right?"

You slapped your hand to your forehead. Since you were late, the thought of your new partners never crossed your mind. "God damnit I should have been late." You

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TeaCow156 #1
Chapter 15: She was hugging kai so much!!! I really ship them! Sorry Chanyeol...<3
Chapter 14: Omg yes. Hyunwoo and chanyeol alone? Ooh kill em~ xD
ariaexo #3
Chapter 13: Please update soon