chapter 14

Love in the Ice
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Mrs. Choi was late, resulting in the boys having a spitball fight and all the girls having a gossip exchange, except for you. You decided that sleep was more important than listening to the majestic tale of how Sora managed to get laid after school with some jock. Your eyes fluttered shut when a spitball sailed across the room and lodged itself into your hair. Glaring at the person who blew the spitball, you sat up and pulled the wet paper ball out of you hair and threw it to who knows where.


The door slammed open and a frazzled Mrs. Choi rushed in, skirt askew and hair sticking up in various angles. Everybody scrambled back to their seats and tried to dispose of most of the spitballs, although a variety of them were still spilled all over the place.


"I bet she did it with the science teacher in the janitor's closet," Sora whispered to Haneul and Eunbi. You distorted your face in disgust and shook your head to get rid of the thought.


"Sorry class, there was a small problem in the office, nothing to worry about though," Mrs. Choi said as she organized her folders. "Oh and you guys know the project is due tomorrow right?" She said as she rummaged her bag for a pen.


You whipped your head to Chanyeol. He looked at you with a panicked look on his face. "My house. After school," you whispered as Chanyeol nodded vigorously. You groaned as you let your head down on the table. With all the practice and crazy Kim made you do, you completely forgot about the project. And you even had to go to the department store to get materials too!



The last bell rang and you pushed through the accumulating crowds to get to you locker. After stuffing everything into your backpack, you slammed your locker shut and looked for Chanyeol. But after five minutes of fruitless searching, you were getting annoyed. How hard was it to find a guy with silver hair that was a good foot taller than anybody else in the goddamn school? You were about to give up and head home when you heard Chanyeol's deep voice in an abandoned hallway. Finally! You actually managed to find the big giant! You were about to go into the hallway when a small feminine voice stopped you.


"Um o-oppa I-I know y-you prob-bably don't e-even know m-me but..." the voice trailed off. You peeked around the shoulder to see a trembling girl that seemed younger than you holding a frilly box behind her back and Chanyeol leaning against the lockers checking his watch.


"But what?" Chanyeol asked in an impatient voice that you never heard before. You furrowed your eyebrows. You could see where this was going. The girl was probably going to confess to him. But why was Chanyeol being so cold? This was nothing like the happy guy you sat next to in class.


"W-would y-y-you go o-out with me?" The girl blurted. You were impressed at her courage but an unfamiliar small twinge in your heart stopped you from accepting her courage. You shrugged the feeling off. It probably wasn't anything big, it was probably just because you were annoyed about how late Chanyeol was.


"Sorry. I've never even seen you before and I'd like to date somebody my age," Chanyeol answered back with an uninterested tone as shifted his weight and started walking towards your direction.


"B-but I-I even m-made these f-for y-you!"  The girl cried out desperately. "A-and I'm o-only two y-years younger t-than y-you!" She revealed the frilly pink box that she had hidden and presented it to Chanyeol. You could only guess that it was filled with chocolate, it was as stereotypical as you could get.


Chanyeol paused, and turned around. The girl looked hopefully into his face, batting her eyelashes and tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear.


"Listen darling," Chanyeol started as the girl let out a small gasp, assuming he changed his mind. "I'm gonna say it for the last time. No." Chanyeol started walking away, leaving the girl crestfallen in the middle of the hallway. After walking a few more steps, Chanyeol caught sight of you and let out a happy squeal and he practically plowed into you. He put his arm around your shoulder and steered you away from the hallway. You could only chuckle at his bipolar mood as you took his arm off of you.


"What was that all about?" You teased as Chanyeol made a disgusted face. He pushed the door open for you and you started walking towards the direction of your house.


"She wanted me to date her," Chanyeol whined as he latched his arm on your shoulder again.


"Why didn't you say yes? She looked pretty cute," you said as you elbowed his ribs with a smirk on your face.


"But I've never seen her before and she wasn't even my type!" Chanyeol said as he pouted.


You laughed at his face. "Aww, my Channie is all grown up!" You said as you ruffled his hair and pretended to wipe a tear off your face. Chanyeol laughed at your acting and pushed your face away with two fingers. You stuck your tongue out at him and the two of you settled into a comfortable silence before you realized you were standing in front of your house.


"Oh look! We're already here!" You said as you hopped up the steps and fished for your keys in your bag. "It should be somewhere in here..." you muttered. You found your key underneath your pencil case and pulled it out with a triumphant look on your face. You were about to push the key into the lock when the door swung open. You looked up and saw Hyunwoo at the doorway, raising an eyebrow at Chanyeol who was behind you. You mentally facepalmed you

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TeaCow156 #1
Chapter 15: She was hugging kai so much!!! I really ship them! Sorry Chanyeol...<3
Chapter 14: Omg yes. Hyunwoo and chanyeol alone? Ooh kill em~ xD
ariaexo #3
Chapter 13: Please update soon